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SOLUTIONS® wound care algorithmFederally-supported guideline to facilitate health care professionals' decision making by providing "management and evaluation strategies for acute and chronic wound care"Misapplication can generate negative impact due to misdiagnosis and worsening of symptomsHealthUnited StatesFederalAgency for Healthcare Research and QualityYesConvaTecSeptember 2013Endorsement of useYeshttps://guideline.gov/summaries/summary/47857
Interim Guidelines for Pregnant Women During a Zika Virus Outbreak"Testing algorithm for a pregnant woman with history of travel to an area with Zika virus transmission, with or without clinical illness consistent with Zika virus disease"Misapplication can generate negative impact due to misdiagnosis and worsening of symptoms and spread of diseaseHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Disease Control (CDC)NoCenters for Disease Control (CDC)January 2016Active use and endorsement of useNohttp://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/wr/mm6502e1.htm
Emergency Severity Index Version 4 Triage Algorithm"A five level emergency department (ED) triage algorithm that provides clinically relevant stratification of patients into five groups from least to most urgent based on acuity and, unique to ESI, resource needs"Misapplication can generate negative impact due to misdiagnosis and worsening of symptomsHealthUnited StatesFederalAgency for Healthcare Research and QualityYesESI Triage Research Team, LLCNovember 2011Endorsement of useYeshttp://www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/esi/esihandbk.pdf
Planned Readmission Algorithm "A set of criteria for classifying readmissions as planned or unplanned using Medicare claims." Used to determine Medicare payments for patients that have to return to the hospitalMiscalculation can lead to negative impact on providers, or to unfairly benefiting others, and overall misinforming users. Can also generate controversy about validity of methodsHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)YesYale New Haven Health Services Corporation Center for Outcomes Research & Evaluation (YNHHSC/CORE)March 2013Endorsement of useNohttps://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/HospitalQualityInits/Measure-Methodology.html
CoCASA (Comprehensive Clinic Assessment Software Application)"A tool for assessing immunization coverage and practices within a provider clinic, or any other environment where immunizations are provided." "After immunization data is entered or imported into CoCASA, data analysis capabilities can be utilized for coverage assessment purposes providing a variety of different reports that can be utilized to pinpoint areas of strength and areas requiring improvement for an individual immunization provider."Used by healthcare providers to evaluate the overall treatment and immunization of their patients. Miscalculation could to the spread of an infectious diseaseHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Disease Control (CDC)NoCenters for Disease Control (CDC)N/AEndorsement of useYeshttp://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/cocasa/index.html
CNSA SuiteAccording to their documentation, "cryptographic algorithms are specified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and are used by NSA's Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) in solutions approved for protecting National Security Systems (NSS). They include cryptographic algorithms for encryption, key exchange, digital signature, and hashing."Mistakes can create negative impact by putting cybersecurity of government systems at riskCybersecurityUnited StatesFederalNational Institute of Standards and Technology and National Security AgencyNoNISTJanuary 2016Active useYeshttps://www.iad.gov/iad/library/ia-guidance/ia-solutions-for-classified/algorithm-guidance/index.cfm
WAste Reduction Algorithm (WAR)According to its own description, it "evaluates processes in terms of potential environmental impacts (PEI)", which are the effects that a chemical would have on the environment if it were released into the environment. Used by industry to determine how the emission of pollutants will affect the environmentErrors can lead to unexpected negative impact to the environmentEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection AgencyAugust 2011Endorsement of useYeshttps://www.epa.gov/chemical-research/waste-reduction-algorithm-chemical-process-simulation-waste-reduction
ENPI V4.0Assists power plants and corporate managers in calculating and tracking their energy consumptionMisapplication can generate negative impact by showing wrong levels of consumption, creating problems in planning and budgetEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of EnergySeptember 2014Endorsement of useYeshttp://energy.gov/eere/amo/downloads/enpi-v40-user-manual
Freeway Lane Selection AlgorithmAccording to its description, it "will enable transportation professionals to more accurately model lane-changing behavior on freeways." Used by transportation planning agencies to simulate driver behaviour and, therefore, plan accordinglyCan have a negative impact by leading administrators to improperly plan highwaysTransportationUnited StatesFederalFederal Highway AdministrationNoFederal Highway AdministrationDecember 2006Endorsement of useYeshttp://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/operations/06136/
AvueThird-party automated hiring system for government employeesMight be unfair in excluding appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)YesAvue Technologies CorporationN/AActive useYeshttps://www.mspb.gov/MSPBSEARCH/viewdocs.aspx?docnumber=253627&version=253914&application=ACROBAT
Commerce Opportunities On-Line (COOL)Automated hiring system for government employeesMight be unfair in excluding appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)NoU.S. Department of CommerceN/AActive useYeshttps://www.mspb.gov/MSPBSEARCH/viewdocs.aspx?docnumber=253627&version=253914&application=ACROBAT
QuickHireThird-party automated hiring system for government employeesMight be unfair in excluding appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)YesQuickHire LLC, a division of Monster Government SolutionsN/AActive useYeshttps://www.mspb.gov/MSPBSEARCH/viewdocs.aspx?docnumber=253627&version=253914&application=ACROBAT
ResumixThird-party automated hiring system for government employeesMight be unfair in excluding appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)YesYahoo! ResumixN/AActive useYeshttps://www.mspb.gov/MSPBSEARCH/viewdocs.aspx?docnumber=253627&version=253914&application=ACROBAT
USA StaffingHiring software for federal agencies that "positions agencies to acquire, assess, certify, select, and onboard qualified candidates precisely, efficiently and cost-effectively"Might be unfair in excluding appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)NoOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)N/AActive useYeshttps://www.opm.gov/services-for-agencies/technology-systems/usa-staffing/
Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) designation scoreHPSAs indicate health care provider shortages. They are scored using metrics of provider IDs, mapping, and Census dataMiscalculation can lead to negative impact in areas with real shortages of health professionals that might not be included on the listHealthUnited StatesFederalHealth Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)NoHealth Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)October 2016Active useYeshttps://bhw.hrsa.gov/shortage-designation/application-scoring-process
Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC) scoring formulaUsed to determine which areas should be designated as HAPCs, coastal sea regions which are prioritized for conservation effortsNegative impact can arise from erroneous exclusions which lead to an area not receiving appropriate protection, or erroneous inclusions which bring about restrictions to fisheriesEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNoNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationSeptember 2010Active useNohttps://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/sites/default/files/hapc_process092010.pdf
Assessment Decision Tool (ADT)System "designed to help human resources professionals and hiring supervisors/managers develop assessment strategies targeted to specific competencies and other situational factors relevant to their hiring situation"Might be unfair in excluding appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)NoOffice of Personnel ManagementN/AActive useNohttps://apps.opm.gov/ADT/ADTClientMain.aspx?JScript=1
CareScience Risk Assessment ModelUses three metrics: mortality, complications, and morbidity, to measure hospitals' quality of careMiscalculation can lead to negative impact on providers, or to unfairly benefiting others, and overall misinforming users. Can also generate controversy about validity of methodsHealthUnited StatesFederalAgency for Healthcare Research and QualityYesCareScience, Inc.N/AEndorsement of useYeshttps://archive.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/quality-resources/tools/mortality/KrochRisk3.html
Safety Net Provider Financial HealthAssesses financial situation of healthcare providersMight have a negative impact of not detecting financial unsoundness of providers. Can also generate controversy about validity of methodsHealthUnited StatesFederalAgency for Healthcare Research and QualityNoAgency for Healthcare Research and QualitySeptember 2003Active useYeshttps://archive.ahrq.gov/data/safetynet/clouse.htm
Patterns of ViolationsUsed to determine safety in minesCan have a negative impact in miners' lives by failing to accurately flag dangerous minesSafetyUnited StatesFederalMine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)NoMine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)2013Active useYeshttps://arlweb.msha.gov/POV/POVsinglesource.asp
Risk-Based Method for Prioritizing CGMP Inspections of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing SitesSelects drug manufacturing sites for inspectionFailure to flag unsafe drug manufacturing sites might lead to high magnitude negative impact in the form of sending unsafe products to the market and harming patientsHealthUnited StatesFederalFood and Drug Administration (FDA)NoFood and Drug Administration (FDA)September 2004Active useYeshttp://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/04/briefing/2004-4080b1_04_risk-based.pdf
Star ratings for Dialysis Facility Compare (DFC)DFC is a tool that enables patients to find providers of dialysis care. The tool has a star system that is automatically calculated using nine quality measuresMiscalculation can lead to negative impact on providers, or to unfairly benefiting others, and overall misinforming users. Can also generate controversy about validity of methodsHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)June 2016Active useYeshttps://www.medicare.gov/dialysisfacilitycompare/
Fraud Prevention System (FPS)Algorithmic system that uses predictive modeling technology to prevent fraudulent Medicare paymentsFailure to detect fraudulent payment can lead to the high magnitude negative impact of monetary loss for the government. False positives can impact providersHealth; Fiscal managementUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)November 2016Active useYeshttps://www.cms.gov/outreach-and-education/outreach/partnerships/fraudpreventiontoolkit.html
Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Tool (VRAT)Identifies risks and vulnerabilities in postal facilitiesCan have a negative impact in workers' lives by failing to accurately flag risks in facilitiesSafetyUnited StatesFederalU.S. Postal ServiceNoU. S. Postal ServiceN/AActive useYeshttp://about.usps.com/who-we-are/foia/mis-updated-description.pdf
Do Not Pay (DNP) Business CenterSystem that signals vendors that should not receive payments from agencies, based on criteria determined by the agenciesMight be unfair by way of incorrectly flagging a vendor as improper or incorrecly failing to flag an improper vendor, also creating negative impact in this marketFiscal managementUnited StatesFederalBureau of the Fiscal ServiceNoBureau of the Fiscal ServiceAugust 2016Active useYeshttps://donotpay.treas.gov/index.htm
Microcomputer Assisted Rating System (MARS)An automated system to rate and rank applicants for jobs where no written test is requiredMight unfairly exclude appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)NoOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)1994Active useYeshttps://clinton6.nara.gov/1994/06/1994-06-30-npr-report-office-of-personnel-management.html
Risk Assessment for Improper PaymentEstimates the rate of improper payment rates by the Department of DefenseMight have a negative impact in the form of ignoring expenses that would increase the rate of improper paymentsDefense; Fiscal managementUnited StatesFederalDefense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)NoDefense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)2013Active useNohttp://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/documents/gwipr/fy2014/riskAssessment/DFAS_Risk_Assessment_FY2014.pdf
Annual Overall Rating (AOR)Evaluates concessioners to measure if they are "complying with their contracts and meet all NPS operational performance, environmental management, asset management, risk management, public health and administrative compliance standards," acording to its own descriptionMight be unfair in incorrectly rating a concessioner for exclusion or incorrectly ignoring factors that should exclude other concessioners. Can negatively impact both the concession market and the users of National ParksFiscal managementUnited StatesFederalNational Park Service (NPS)NoNational Park Service (NPS)March 2016Active useYeshttps://concessions.nps.gov/docs/concessioner%20tools/AOR_Workbook_User_Guide.pdf
Documented Safety Analysis (DSA)Guidelines that "systematically identify and assess hazards" in nuclear facilitiesCan negatively impact in workers' lives by failing to accurately flag risks in facilities. Because this is the nuclear sector, the magnitude of the negative impact may be largeSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of EnergyApril 2002Active useNohttps://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2013/07/f2/std3009_cn2_rl.pdf
National Electric Sector Cybersecurity Organization Resource (NESCOR)Guidance to create cybersecurity risk assessment processes for energy distribuition systems with a scoring system for threats to determine corrective actionsMistakes can create negative impact by putting cybersecurity of power supply at riskCybersecurityUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of EnergyDecember 2013Endorsement of useNohttps://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/04/f14/IntegratingElectricitySubsectorFailureScenariosIntoARiskAssessmentMethodology.pdf
ENERGY STAREnergy efficiency rating system for productsMistakes lead to negative impact on consumers, who might inadvertently choose inefficient products. Because of its broad scope, the magnitute of the impact could be largeEnergyUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)1992Endorsement of useYeshttps://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2013/11/f5/existing_labels.pdf
Building Energy Asset Score (Asset Score)Energy efficiency rating system for buildingsMistakes lead to negative impact on planners, who might inadvertently construct inefficient buildingsEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of Energy2012Endorsement of useYeshttps://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2013/12/f5/asset_score_api_webinar_061413_0.pdf
Early identification of delinquent operatorsPredictive analysis for unsafe minesCan have a negative impact in miners' lives by failing to accurately flag dangerous minesSafetyUnited StatesFederalMine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)NoSummit Consulting, LLCMarch 2016Active useYeshttp://fcsm.sites.usa.gov/files/2016/03/F3_Dai_2015FCSM.pdf
Recruitment One-StopSystem includes automated assesment tool for candidates for government employmentMight unfairly exclude appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)NoOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)N/AActive useYeshttps://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/omb/egov/c-4-2-recruit.html
Financial Services Sector All-Hazards Threat MatrixAccounts for over 1,900 individual threats to the financial sector of the United StatesMight have negative impact of high magnitude by way of failing to detect threats. Can also be controversial, considering the lack of clarity about which are the parametersSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)2009Active useYeshttps://homeland.house.gov/files/Testimony%20Carlin_0.pdf
Ecological Monitoring FrameworkCreates a method of assigning scores to ecological condition of parksFailure can negatively impact the condition of national parksEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalNational Park Service (NPS)NoNational Park Service (NPS)2009Active useNohttps://irma.nps.gov/DataStore/DownloadFile/448300
Proposed Project Selection Method for Human Support Research and Technology DevelopmentProposal of a formula to rate projects for NASA's Human Support Research and Technology DevelopmentMiscalculation can negatively impact the planning of space exploration and the scientists working on itManagementUnited StatesFederalNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)NoNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)Jan 2005Potential useNohttps://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20050158745
Self-assessment of Public Financial Management Performance (PFMP-SA)A toolkit for health sector managers to "assess their systems and procedures to improve accountability and performance"Miscalculation can negatively impact foreign health planning and all the people who rely on itManagementUnited StatesFederalUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID)NoAbt Associates IncDec 2013Endorsement of useNohttp://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00KF1T.pdf
Healthy Home Rating System (HHRS)Assesses the hazards and the potential effect of conditions of housingMay underestimate risks involved in housing, causing negative impact on residentsHealth; safetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)NoDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)January 2014Endorsement of useNohttps://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=operatingguidanceHHRS_1-14.pdf
Risk Assessment Methodology for Critical Infrastructures (RAM-CI)"Provides a user-friendly, systematic, and comprehensive risk-based tool to assist CI sector and security professionals in assessing and managing security risk from malevolent threats."Failure can lead to missed threats to critical infrastructure, leading to a negative impact of high magnitudeSafetyUnited StatesFederalSandia National LaboratoriesNoSandia National LaboratoriesDecember 2008Endorsement of useYeshttp://prod.sandia.gov/techlib/access-control.cgi/2008/088143.pdf
Risk Informed AlgorithmUsed to prioritize high risk food inspectionsFailure can lead to consumers getting sick, a negative impact of high magnitude SafetyUnited StatesFederalFood and Drug Administration (FDA)NoFood and Drug Administration (FDA)October 2010Active useYeshttp://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/fdatrack/view/track_project.cfm?program=cfsan&id=CFSAN-OC-Risk-Informed-Algorithm
Tool 3KAssists healthcare providers as to the best way to increase patient mobility without the risk of fallingCan negatively impact patients that are being mobilizedHealthUnited StatesFederalAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)NoCentral DuPage HospitalJanuary 2013Endorsement of useNohttps://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/systems/hospital/fallpxtoolkit/fallpxtk-tool3k.html
API/FCI Analysis ChartChart that combines two metrics about facilities - the Criticality of Asset Asset Priority Index (API) and the Facilities Condition Index (FCI) - to determine what should be done with themMight lead to a negative impact with high magnitude upon infrastructureManagementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoDepartment of the InteriorJuly 2012Active useNohttps://www.blm.gov/style/medialib/blm/nifc/im.Par.29394.File.dat/FA_IM2013016a3.pdf
Algorithm for Fall Risk Assessment & InterventionsAssists healthcare providers as to the best way to increase patient mobility without the risk of fallingCan negatively impact patients that are being mobilizedHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Disease Control (CDC)NoCenters for Disease Control (CDC)N/AEndorsement of useNohttps://www.cdc.gov/steadi/pdf/algorithm_2015-04-a.pdf
Category RatingThe category rating process ranks candidates that have been evaluated/rated against minimum qualification requirements by placing them into one of two or more predefined quality categoriesMight unfairly exclude appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)NoOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)March 2006Active useNohttps://www.chcoc.gov/sites/default/files/trans727.pdf
Open Source Indicators (OSI)Project that "automatically anticipates and detects significant societal events using publicly available data"A missed event can impair the government's reaction to it, leading to a negative impact, possibly of high magnitudeIntelligenceUnited StatesFederalIntelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)NoIntelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)August 2011Active useYeshttps://www.iarpa.gov/index.php/research-programs/osi
Clinical Criteria Algorithm for Wheelchair PrescribingUsed to determine which patients get access to wheelchairCan lead to negative impact on patients who need the equipment but are not included in these parametersHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)N/AEndorsement of useNohttps://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coverage/DeterminationProcess/downloads/id143c.pdf
Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) – Cell Radio Frequency (RF) Propagation AlgorithmAlgorithm that determines cell phone tower footprints, to select which can be used to send emergency messagesMight exclude geographical locations from receiving emergency messages, leading to the negative impact of loss of lifeSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland SecurityJune 2014Active useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/WEA%20-%20TCS%20Final%20Report.pdf
Logical Response Aperture (LRA) Advanced Automated AnalyticsDetects malware and other "hostile activity against the networks of US government agencies and other protected entities"Mistakes can have negative impact by putting cybersecurity of government systems at riskCybersecurityUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland SecurityFebruary 2016Active useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/dpiac-report-2016-01-algorithmic-analytics_0.pdf
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)Detects threats to government networksMistakes can have negative impact by putting cybersecurity of government systems at riskCybersecurityUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland SecurityJuly 2012Active useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/privacy/DPIAC/NCPS%20Overview_DPIAC_31OCT2012.pdf
Cost Estimating Guide for Road ConstructionCalculates the cost of building different types of roads, including labor costsMight fail to take in account specific costs, leading to negative impact upon the management of fundsManagement; environmentUnited StatesFederalForest ServiceNoForest ServiceMarch 2013Active useNohttps://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5279284.pdf
Cost Estimating Guide for Clearing and EarthworkCalculates the cost of clearing woods and digging projectsMight fail to take in account specific costs, leading to negative impact upon the management of fundsManagement; environmentUnited StatesFederalForest ServiceNoForest ServiceFebruary 2009Active useNohttps://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5247289.pdf
Ranking method for managing invasive plant speciesA decision matrix that takes into account the potential damage of a species and the potential for control of that speciesFailure to recommend apropriate action might lead to widespread environmental damage, a negative impact with high magnitudeManagement; environmentUnited StatesFederalForest ServiceNoForest ServiceMarch 2011Active useNohttps://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5309131.pdf
Hazard Tree Rating MethodScore that takes into account potential for tree failure (indicators that show danger of it collapsing) and potential for damage (potential for striking a target, potential for damaging a target, and target value)Can have a negative impact in peoples' lives by failing to accurately rate hazardous treesManagement; environmentUnited StatesFederalForest ServiceNoForest ServiceN/AActive useNohttps://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/r10/forest-grasslandhealth/?cid=fsbdev2_038339
Merit PromotionCalculation method to give department employees "an opportunity to receive fair, equitable, and appropriate consideration for higher level jobs"Might unfairly exclude appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government promotionPersonnelUnited StatesFederalDepartment of AgricultureNoDepartment of AgricultureJuly 2002Active useNohttp://www.fsa.usda.gov/Internet/FSA_File/merit_promotion.pdf
Listeria monocytogenes risk-based verification sampling algorithm Defines thresholds for sampling tests of meatsMight have a nagative impact of high magnitude by way of failing to inspect samples properly, which might lead to mass contaminationSafetyUnited StatesFederalFood Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)NoFood Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)May 2012Active useYeshttps://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/45800bd0-64f2-45c5-811c-e93f16797a1c/Updates-Lm-Verification-Sampling-Algorithm.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
Diagnosis and Treatment of Headache Diagnosis AlgorithmGuides treatment of headaches depending on symptomsMisapplication can generate negative impact due to misdiagnosis and worsening of symptomsHealthUnited StatesFederalAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)YesInstitute for Clinical Systems ImprovementJanuary 2006Endorsement of useNohttps://www.guideline.gov/algorithm/4769/NGC-4769_2.pdf
Phonetic Orthographic Computer Algorithm (POCA)Determines the orthographic and phonetic similarity between two drug names. Used to assess the safety, and feasibility of proposed proprietary drug names.Failure can cause negative impact of high magnitude by creating confusion among patients due to similar drug namesHealthUnited StatesFederalFood and Drug Administration (FDA)NoFood and Drug Administration (FDA)April 2015Active useYeshttps://www.healthdata.gov/dataset/poca-phonetic-orthographic-computer-algorithm
Healthcare Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (HFMEA)Used to analyze the risk of failure in patient care.Might lead to patients not being treated properlyHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Veterans AffairsNoDepartment of Veterans AffairsMay 2014Active useNohttp://www.patientsafety.va.gov/docs/joe/hfmea_intro_jm_may14.doc
Automated Underreporter (AUR)Automated analysis and processing of potential underreported and/or over-deducted tax returnsMight have a negative impact of high magnitude by not flagging tax returns that should be audited, causing loss to the government. Could also be unfair to some contribuitorsManagement; taxesUnited StatesFederalInternal Revenue Service (IRS)NoInternal Revenue Service (IRS)September 2016Active useYeshttps://www.irs.gov/irm/part4/irm_04-019-003r.html
Program Assessment Guide (PAG)Assess efficacy of government programs, using weighted scoring cardMight not identify failing programs, causing the negative impact of monetary loss to the governmentManagementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of LaborNoDepartment of LaborAugust 2013Active useNohttp://www.jobcorps.gov/Libraries/pdf/pag.sflb
Gang Graffiti Automatic Recognition and Interpretation (GARI)Application which helps law enforcement and gang task force officers identify and interpret gang graffiti or tattoo images. It compares the image against an image database and provides details about the identity and meaning of the graffiti or tattooMight miss signals related to gangs, negatively impacting the police force. Also, might mistakingly identify tattoos as gang-related, causing harm to people who have them, potentially leading to controversySafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoPurdue UniversityJanuary 2014Endorsement of useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Enhancing%20Community%20Safety-Gang%20Graffiti%20Automatic%20Recognition%20and%20Interpretation%20System-GARI-Jan2014_2.pdf
Coast Guard Search and Rescue Visual Analytics (cgSARVA)"Assessment tool that helps Coast Guard decision-makers understand the risks associated with resource reallocation for search and rescue missions"Might prevent a mission from taking place, leading to the negative impact of endangering the lives of people who need assistance. Tool may also generate controversy
SafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoPurdue UniversityNovember 2013Endorsement of useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Enhancing%20the%20USCG%20Operational%20Effectiveness%20With%20COAST-Nov2013.pdf
SALT Mass Casualty Triage Algorithm for a Very Large Radiation EmergencyGuidelines for triage of victims of large radiation eventMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing victims to not be treated properlySafetyUnited StatesFederalRadiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)NoRadiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)December 2016Active use; endorsment of useNohttps://www.remm.nlm.gov/salttriage.htm
Contamination: Diagnose/ManageGuidelines for treatment of victims of radiation eventMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing victims to not be treated properlySafetyUnited StatesFederalRadiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)NoRadiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)December 2016Active use; endorsment of useNohttps://www.remm.nlm.gov/contamonly.htm
Exposure: Diagnose/Manage Acute Radiation SyndromeGuidelines for treatment of victims of Acute Radiation SyndromeMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing victims to not be treated properlySafetyUnited StatesFederalRadiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)NoRadiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM)December 2016Active use; endorsment of useNohttps://www.remm.nlm.gov/exposureonly.htm#skip
Automated Cropland Classification Algorithms (ACCA)Algorithm that classifies "agricultural cropland extent, areas, and characteristics (e.g. irrigated vs. rainfed) over large areas such as a country or a region through combination of multi-sensor remote sensing and secondary data"Errors in the algorithm may lead to miscalculation of important metrics for agricultural planning or lead to errors in judging crop yields, leading to negative impact of high magnitude to farmersManagement; agricultureUnited StatesFederalUnited States Geological Survey (USGS)NoUnited States Geological Survey (USGS)September 2012Active useNohttps://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/70098947
Return Review Program"An automated system that will enhance the IRS’s capabilities to prevent, detect, and resolve criminal and civil tax noncompliance"Might not flag tax returns that should be audited, causing the negative impact of monetary loss to the governmentManagement; taxesUnited StatesFederalInternal Revenue Service (IRS)NoInternal Revenue Service (IRS)July 2015Potential useYeshttps://www.treasury.gov/tigta/auditreports/2015reports/201520060fr.html
Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA)Tool that, according to its documentation, "parameterizes, executes, and spatially visualizes" watershed runoff and erosion modelsMiscalculation of watershed runoff and erosion might lead to negative impact of losses for farmers and ineffective environmental actionEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalAgricultural Research Service (ARS)NoAgricultural Research Service (ARS)June 2004Active useYeshttp://www.tucson.ars.ag.gov/agwa/
Checklist for conflict sensitivity in education programsOffers a framework for analyzing aspects of education programs, with the objective to reduce conflict and tensions in USAID-run programsCan cause negative impact by failing to assess dangers in USAID programs, leaving workers at riskEducationUnited StatesFederalUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID)NoUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID)November 2013Active useNohttps://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1865/USAID_Checklist_Conflict_Sensitivity_14FEB27_cm.pdf
Facility Risk Rating Model (FRRM)Identifies risks and vulnerabilities in postal facilitiesCan have a negative impact in workers' lives by failing to accurately flag risks in facilitiesSafetyUnited StatesFederalU.S. Postal ServiceNoU. S. Postal ServiceDecember 2007Active useYeshttps://www.uspsoig.gov/sites/default/files/document-library-files/2015/SA-AR-08-003.pdf
Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)"A questionnaire designed to help assess the management and performance of programs. It is used to evaluate a program’s purpose, design, planning, management, results, and accountability to determine its overall effectiveness"Might not identify failing programs, causing the negative impact of monetary loss to the governmentManagementUnited StatesFederalOffice of Management and BudgetNoOffice of Management and BudgetOctober 2008Active useYeshttps://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/assets/OMB/expectmore/part.html
Landslide Hazard Rating MatrixUsed to calculate the risk of landslides in highwaysCan have a negative impact in drivers' lives by failing to accurately flag landslide risksSafetyUnited StatesFederalFederal Highway Administration (FHWA)NoFederal Highway Administration (FHWA)December 2007Active useNohttps://ntl.bts.gov/lib/33000/33900/33985/Vol1LandslideHazardRatingMatrixDatabaseFinalReport.pdf
Site-ranking System (SRS)"Ranks hazardous chemical and radioactive waste sites by scoring important and readily available factors that influence risk to human health. Using SRS, sites can be ranked for purposes of detailed site investigations"Can have a negative impact in workers' lives by failing to accurately flag risks in facilitiesSafetyUnited StatesFederalSandia National LaboratoriesNoSandia National LaboratoriesMay 1988Active useNohttp://prod.sandia.gov/techlib/access-control.cgi/1986/862994.pdf
Major Hazard Risk Assessment (MHRA)Used to determine safety in minesCan have a negative impact in miners' lives by failing to accurately flag dangerous minesSafetyUnited StatesFederalCenters for Disease Control (CDC)NoCenters for Disease Control (CDC)October 2008Active useNohttps://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/UserFiles/works/pdfs/2009-104.pdf
Project Scoring SheetScoring calculation to detemine need and value of renovating projects for Department of Interior structures and roadsMight lead to a negative impact of high magnitude in infrastructure. According to their own report, the Department "owns and operates over 110,000 buildings and structures, more than 100,000 miles of public roads." "These facilities serve nearly 479 million visitors annually"ManagementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoDepartment of the Interior2016Active useNohttps://www.doi.gov/sites/doi.gov/files/migrated/pam/programs/asset_management/upload/2016-Att-G-with-appendices.pdf
Statistical CAMELS Off-site Rating (SCOR) Designed to help identify institutions that have experienced noticeable financial deteriorationCan have a negative impact upon banks' clients and financial system as a whole by failing to detect financial deterioration in banksFinanceUnited StatesFederalFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)NoFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)1998Active useNohttps://www.fdic.gov/bank/analytical/banking/2003sep/2_15n3.pdf
Venous Thromboembolism Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis AlgorithmGuides treatment of pulmonary embolism depending on symptomsMisapplication can generate negative impact due to misdiagnosis and worsening of symptomsHealthUnited StatesFederalAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)YesInstitute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Inc.June 2007Endorsement of useNohttps://www.guideline.gov/algorithm/5885/NGC-5885_2.pdf
Emerging ClustersA "method for identifying emerging, high-impact technology clusters and trends based on patents, citations, co-citations, and clusters of patents" with the purpose of "fostering regional
Failure to recognize emerging clusters of technology can negatively impact commercial strategy and harm the economy and competitiveness of the United StatesEconomyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of CommerceNoDepartment of CommerceOctober 2007Active useYeshttps://www.ntis.gov/assets/pdf/Report-EmergingClusters.pdf
Lender Risk Rating SystemA tool to assist the Small Business Administration (SBA) in assessing the risk of each
active Lender’s and Certified Development Company’s (CDC’s) SBA loan operations and loan portfolio
Might lead to a negative impact on small businesses not being able to borrow money or it might lead to the government lending money to improper businessesFinanceUnited StatesFederalSmall Business Administration (SBA)NoSmall Business Administration (SBA)March 2010Active useYeshttps://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/files/lender_risk_rating_system.pdf
Automated detection of improper dataTools automatically detect data that is inapropriatly collected by the intelligence agency, such as data from American citizens without legal authorizationControversy might arise from the lack of clarity of the parameters for exclusion. Failure leads to negative impact by violating the privacy of citizensCybersecurity; privacyUnited StatesFederalNational Security Agency (NSA)NoNational Security Agency (NSA)October 2014Active useYeshttps://www.nsa.gov/about/civil-liberties/reports/assets/files/nsa_clpo_report_targeted_EO12333.pdf
Advanced Concepts & Performance Assessments MD71 programAlgorithms that model ballistic missile simulation to analyze and improve ballistic defense systemsFailure can lead to negative impact of high magnitude via lack of proper defense of the U.S. against ballistic missiles, leading to mass casualtyDefenseUnited StatesFederalMissile Defense AgencyNoMissile Defense AgencyFebruary 2016Active useYeshttp://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/FY2017/budget_justification/pdfs/03_RDT_and_E/MDA_RDTE_MasterJustificationBook_Missile_Defense_Agency_PB_2017_1.pdf
Aegis BMD Algorithm Development, Modeling & Simulation, Performance AnalysisAlgorithms that model ballistic missile simulation to analyze and improve ballistic defense systemsFailure can lead to negative impact of high magnitude via lack of proper defense of the U.S. against ballistic missiles, leading to mass casualtyDefenseUnited StatesFederalMissile Defense AgencyNoMissile Defense AgencyFebruary 2016Active useYeshttp://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/FY2017/budget_justification/pdfs/03_RDT_and_E/MDA_RDTE_MasterJustificationBook_Missile_Defense_Agency_PB_2017_1.pdf
Simultaneous Correlation of Unambiguous Tracks (SCOUT) AlgorithmAlgorithms that model ballistic missile simulation to analyze and improve ballistic defense systemsFailure can lead to negative impact of high magnitude via lack of proper defense of the U.S. against ballistic missiles, leading to mass casualtyDefenseUnited StatesFederalMissile Defense AgencyNoMissile Defense AgencyFebruary 2016Active useYeshttp://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/FY2017/budget_justification/pdfs/03_RDT_and_E/MDA_RDTE_MasterJustificationBook_Missile_Defense_Agency_PB_2017_1.pdf
Multi-Object Kill Vehicle - MOKV Engagement Management AlgorithmsAlgorithms that model ballistic missile simulation to analyze and improve ballistic defense systemsFailure can lead to negative impact of high magnitude via lack of proper defense of the U.S. against ballistic missiles, leading to mass casualtyDefenseUnited StatesFederalMissile Defense AgencyNoMissile Defense AgencyFebruary 2016Active useYeshttp://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/FY2017/budget_justification/pdfs/03_RDT_and_E/MDA_RDTE_MasterJustificationBook_Missile_Defense_Agency_PB_2017_1.pdf
Automated Self-Administered 24-Hour Dietary Assessment Tool (ASA24)A food diary tool recommended to clinicians and patients. Users input meals consumed in a 24hr cycle and the tool returns data and analysis, including dietary recommendationsCan lead to negative impact on patients' lives, by suggesting improper dietsHealthUnited StatesFederalNational Cancer Institute (NCI)NoNational Cancer Institute (NCI)2009Endorsement of useYeshttps://epi.grants.cancer.gov/asa24/
Lease Risk ModelPredictive statistical model used to determine risk of fraud in lease contracts of facilitiesFailure to detect fraudulent leases can lead to negative impact of high magnitude via monetary loss for the government. False positives can impact real-estate ownersFinanceUnited StatesFederalU.S. Postal ServiceYesElder Research October 2013Active useYeshttps://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/2176909/Resources/Elder-Research-Case-Study-Lease-Renewal-Risk-Model-USPS-OIG.pdf
Claimant Risk Analysis ModelPredictive modeling used to identify workers’ compensation claims with high-risk of fraudFailure to detect fraudulent leases can lead to negative impact of high magnitude via monetary loss for the government. False positives can impact real-estate ownersFinanceUnited StatesFederalU.S. Postal ServiceNoU. S. Postal ServiceJuly 2013Active useYeshttp://docplayer.net/802084-Inspector-general-united-states-postal-service.html
Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS)Selection program that determines the promotion of airmen in the United States Air ForceMight unfairly exclude appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government promotionPersonnel; militaryUnited StatesFederalDepartment of DefenseNoDepartment of Defense1993Active useYeshttp://www.afpc.af.mil/Weighted-Airman-Promotion-System
Veterans’ Preference in AppointmentsScore that determines the preference of military veterans in federal hiringMight be unfair in excluding appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)NoOffice of Personnel ManagementN/AActive useNohttps://hru.gov/Studio_Recruitment/HT_01_Veterans_Preference.aspx
Uniform Interagency Consumer Compliance Rating SystemThis five-category, numerical rating system standardizes individual agency approaches to measuring the compliance of financial institutions with consumer protection and civil rights lawsMight lead to monetary loss FinanceUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the TreasuryNoDepartment of the Treasury1980Active useNohttps://occ.gov/publications/publications-by-type/comptrollers-handbook/_paginated/overview/over00013.htm
Scoring Matrix to determine the display locations for the space shuttle orbiters Used to determine the final location of the shuttles that had flown in space(Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour)There is a clear economic benefit for selected locations, meaning it can unfairly benefit some. Also, there was the potential for controversyEconomyUnited StatesFederalNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)NoNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationAugust 2011Active useNohttps://oig.nasa.gov/audits/reports/FY11/Review_NASAs_Selection_Display_Locations.pdf
Traffic Analysis ToolboxAccording to its own description, it includes "methodologies such as sketch-planning, travel demand modeling, traffic signal optimization, and traffic simulationCan lead to bad simulations of traffic, leading to inneficiency and monetary lossTransportationUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationYesVariousNovember 2004Endorsement of useYeshttp://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/fhwahop08054/sect4.htm
Risk Management Self-Evaluation Framework (RMSEF)A framework for risk management applicable to the transportation of hazardous materials, designed to be used by regulators, shippers, carriers, and emergency response personnelCan generate dangerous conditions for transportation of hazardous material, leading to loss of lifeSafety; transportationUnited StatesFederalOffice of Hazardous Materials Safety (OHMS)NoOffice of Hazardous Materials Safety (OHMS)January 2020Endorsement of useNohttp://phmsa.dot.gov/staticfiles/PHMSA/DownloadableFiles/Files/rmsef_security_template.pdf
Tier Ranking System (TRS) IIA scoring model to determine compliance by lenders for housingMight lead to a negative impact on people not being able to borrow money or it might lead to the government lending money to improper businessesFinanceUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)NoDepartment of Housing And Urban DevelopmentN/AActive useYeshttp://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=spsnarrative.pdf
Fermilab Operations Risk Ranking MatrixThis matrix takes in account impact and risk of research.Can generate dangerous conditions for research, leading to loss of lifeSafetyUnited StatesFederalFermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)NoFermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)April 2016Active useNohttp://ppp-docdb.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/ShowDocument?docid=85
Fermilab Enterprise Risk Tolerance (Ranking) MatrixThis matrix takes in account impact and risk of research.Can generate dangerous conditions for research, leading to loss of lifeSafetyUnited StatesFederalFermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)NoFermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)November 2015Active useNohttp://ppp-docdb.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/ShowDocument?docid=60
Home Energy Scoring ToolSystem that asseses energy usage for homes.Mistakes lead to negative impact on home owners, who might not determine cause of high energy usageEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)2012Active useYeshttp://hes-documentation.lbl.gov/home-energy-scoring-tool/scoring-methodology
Assessment worksheet“A decision-making tool to systematically help identify risks and benefits and determine the best courses of action for any given situation”Can generate dangerous conditions for operations, leading to loss of lifeSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoDepartment of the InteriorJanuary 2013Active useNohttps://safetynet.doi.gov/information/program/docs/DOI_ORM_Assessment_Worksheet.xlsx
HAZUSA standardized methodology for analyzing potential losses from floods, hurricane winds and earthquakesMight prevent a mission from taking place, leading to the negative impact of endangering the lives of people who need assistanceSafetyUnited StatesFederalFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)NoFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)February 2015Active use; endorsement of useYeshttps://www.fema.gov/hazus
Scoring and Recommended Prophylaxis against thrombosisGuidelines for thrombosis treatmentMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing victims to not be treated properlyHealthUnited StatesFederalAgency for Healthcare Research and QualityNoAgency for Healthcare Research and QualityAugust 2016Endorsement of useNohttp://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/vtguide/vtguide4.html
Traffic Management Advisor (TMA)An automated tool for planning flight trajectories of commercial flightsCan lead to less efficient trajectories, impacting the finances of airlinesTransportationUnited StatesFederalFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)NoFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)N/AActive useYeshttps://www.aviationsystemsdivision.arc.nasa.gov/publications/2013/AIAA-2013-5130.pdf
Risk Priority Number (RPN) rankingScores different equipments in oil and gas operations to determine risk of failure and need for interventionCan have a negative impact by failing to accurately flag risksSafetyUnited StatesFederalBureau of Safety and Environmental EnforcementNoBureau of Safety and Environmental EnforcementJune 2013Active useNohttps://www.bsee.gov/sites/bsee.gov/files/tap-technical-assessment-program//693ad.pdf
General Rating Formula for Mental DisordersUsed to determine degree and type of medical problems of veterans to calculate payment of benefitsMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing veterans to not receive proper benefits, or it might cause overpaymentWelfareUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Veterans AffairsNoDepartment of Veterans Affairs1989Active useNohttp://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions-orders/12-7114.Opinion.4-3-2013.1.PDF
Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System II (CAPPS)Second version of current program that evaluates each air travel passenger to determine its potential risk of being a terroristCan have a negative impact by failing to accurately flag risks and can create problems to people incorrectly flagged as dangerous. Controversy has prevented it from being usedSafetyUnited StatesFederalU.S. Customs and Border ProtectionNoU.S. Customs and Border Protection2004Potential useYeshttps://www.cbp.gov/bulletins/38genno30.pdf
Guidelines for the Prevention of Opportunistic Infections in Persons Infected with Human Immunodeficiency VirusGuidelines to treat infections related to HIVMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing patients to not be treated properlyHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoU.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) / Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)1997Endorsement of useNohttp://www.cdc.gov/MMWR/preview/mmwrhtml/00048226.htm
Automated Incident AssessmentCalculates the importance of incidents in which census works lose or misplace personal information of intervieweesCan lead to underreporting of serious privacy violationsPrivacyUnited StatesFederalCensus BureauNoCensus Bureau2009Active useNohttps://www.census.gov/2010census/pdf/2010_Census_PII_Assessment.pdf
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) ForecastsWeather forecast modelFailure to accurately predict the weather can lead to economic loss for residents, industry, agricultureEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalDepartment of CommerceNoVariousN/AActive useYeshttps://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/enso/how-good-have-enso-forecasts-been-lately
Predictive Modeling Analysis of Medicare ClaimsAnalyzes Medicare claims to detect potentially fraudulent activity.Failure to detect fraudulent payment can lead to the high magnitude negative impact of monetary loss for the government. False positives can impact providersHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)June 2011Active useYeshttps://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Medicare-Learning-Network-MLN/MLNMattersArticles/downloads/SE1133.pdf
Nursing Home Compare Five-Star Quality Rating SystemTool that enables patients to find providers based on quality of careMiscalculation can lead to negative impact on providers, or to unfairly benefiting others, and overall misinforming users. Can also generate controversy about validity of methodsHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)July 2018Active useYeshttps://www.cms.gov/medicare/provider-enrollment-and-certification/certificationandcomplianc/downloads/usersguide.pdf
Quality Rating System (QRS) rating methodologyTool that enables patients to find providers based on quality of careMiscalculation can lead to negative impact on providers, or to unfairly benefiting others, and overall misinforming users. Can also generate controversy about validity of methodsHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)October 2015Active useYeshttps://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/QualityInitiativesGenInfo/Downloads/QRS-Rating-Methodology-for-2015.pdf
Hospital Quality Star Rating on Hospital CompareTool that enables patients to find providers based on quality of careMiscalculation can lead to negative impact on providers, or to unfairly benefiting others, and overall misinforming users. Can also generate controversy about validity of methodsHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)N/AActive useYeshttps://www.cms.gov/Newsroom/MediaReleaseDatabase/Fact-sheets/2016-Fact-sheets-items/2016-07-27.html
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)Pays for Medicare services according to quality ratingsMiscalculation can lead to negative impact on providers, or to unfairly benefiting others, and overall misinforming users. Can also generate controversy about validity of methodsPersonnelUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)2015Active useYeshttps://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/Value-Based-Programs/MACRA-MIPS-and-APMs/MIPS-Scoring-Methodology-slide-deck.pdf
Automated filtering systemWinnow down messages to be read by the NSACan have a negative impact by failing to accurately flag risksPrivacyUnited StatesFederalNational Security Agency (NSA)NoNational Security Agency (NSA)N/AActive useYeshttps://www.congress.gov/crec/2001/09/13/CREC-2001-09-13.pdf
Automated Targeting SystemUsed "to improve the collection, use, analysis, and dissemination of information that is gathered for the primary purpose of targeting, identifying, and preventing potential terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States"Can have a negative impact by failing to accurately flag risks and can create problems to people incorrectly flagged as dangerousSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)November 2006Active useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/privacy/privacy_pia_cbp_ats.pdf
Passenger Name Record (PNR) automated filteringAutomatically removes sensitive data from program that shares information between the U.S. and European authorities about air travel passengersCan have a negative impact by failing to accurately detect sensitive dataPrivacyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland SecurityN/AActive useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/privacy_eu_pnr_aircarriers_april_2010.pdf
HURREVAC-eXtended (HV-X)A web-based suite of tools that integrates all phases of hurricane planning and evacuation decisionsMight prevent a mission from taking place, leading to the negative impact of endangering the lives of people who need assistanceEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)May 2016Active useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/news/2016/05/17/responder-news-enhancing-hurricane-season-training-decision
Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs disability ratingUsed to determine degree and type of medical problems of beneficiaries to calculate payment of benefitsMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing beneficiaries to not receive proper benefits, or it might cause overpaymentEconomyUnited StatesFederalOffice of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)NoOffice of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)N/AActive use; endorsement of useNohttps://www.dol.gov/ecab/decisions/2014/Sep/13-1519_O.htm
Indirect Dietary Residential Exposure Assessment Model (IDREAM)"Estimates indirect ingestion exposure to disinfectants used in residential settings on hard surfaces where there may be inadvertent transfer to edible items prepared on those surfaces"Might fail to predict exposure of consumers to harmful toxics, causing physical harmSafetyUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection AgencyJune 2015Active use; endorsement of useYeshttps://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-07/documents/idream_user_guide.pdf
Monitor Safety/Analyze Data (MSAD) processProcess designed to "filter, review, analyze and trend" commercial aviation safety dataCan have a negative impact by failing to accurately flag risksTransportation; safetyUnited StatesFederalFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)NoFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)March 2010Active useNohttps://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Order/FAA%20Order%208110.107.pdf
Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (UFIRS)Used to determine the financial status of banksCan have a negative impact upon banks' clients and financial system as a whole by failing to detect financial deterioration in banksFinanceUnited StatesFederalFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationNoFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationN/AActive useNohttps://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/rules/5000-900.html
Ratings system for federal banksUsed to determine the financial status of banksCan have a negative impact upon banks' clients and financial system as a whole by failing to detect financial deterioration in banksFinanceUnited StatesFederalFederal Reserve SystemNoFederal Reserve SystemNovember 1995Active useNohttps://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/srletters/1995/sr9551.htm
Pre-scoring to Assistance to Firefighters GrantAutomated selection process to determine selection for fundsMight unfairly exclude appropriate projects or generate negative impact by including inappropriate projects. Might benefit specific groups unfairlySafety; managementUnited StatesFederalFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)NoFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)August 2011Active useYeshttps://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1855-25045-0101/september_28_2011_fy_2011_afg_applicants_what_s_next.txt
Site/Building Inherent Vulnerability Assessment MatrixAssesses risk of terrorist attacks on buildings.Can have a negative impact in workers' lives by failing to accurately flag risks in facilitiesSafetyUnited StatesFederalFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)NoFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)December 2003Active useNohttps://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1455-20490-6222/fema426.pdf
National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating SystemA program that provides incentives for those communities to develop extra measures to provide protection from flooding.Might unfairly exclude appropriate projects or generate negative impact by including inappropriate projects. Might benefit specific groups unfairlySafety; managementUnited StatesFederalFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)NoFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)August 2011Active useYeshttps://www.fema.gov/pdf/business/nfip/nfip_reform_phase_III_report.pdf
Practical Guide for Quality Management of Pavement Condition Data CollectionGuidelines for local agencies to assess the quality of pavementA bad output might lead to unsafe or inneficient roadsTransportation; safetyUnited StatesFederalFederal Highway Administration (FHWA)NoFederal Highway Administration (FHWA)February 2013Endorsement of useNohttp://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pavement/management/qm/data_qm_guide.pdf
U.S. DOT Vulnerability Assessment Scoring ToolUsed to determine vulnerability of transportation systems (rail, ports, airports, roads) to climateMight fail to predict risks, potentially causing physical harm to commuters or financial loss for governmentTransportation; managementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoDepartment of TransportationJune 2015Endorsement of useYeshttps://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/climate_change/adaptation/adaptation_framework/modules/scoring_tools_guide/page01.cfm
Load and resistance factor design (LRFD)Industry standard for road construction supported by the federal governmentA bad output might lead to unsafe or ineficient roads, and loss of lifeSafety; transportationUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoFederal Highway Administration (FHWA) / American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO2001Endorsement of useYeshttps://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/publicroads/05jul/09.cfm
Climate Change & Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment FrameworkCalculates and grades risk involved with extreme weather eventsCan have a negative impact by failing to accurately flag risksEnvironment; safetyUnited StatesFederalFederal Highway Administration (FHWA)NoFederal Highway Administration (FHWA)December 2012Active use; endorsement of useNohttps://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/climate_change/adaptation/publications/vulnerability_assessment_framework/figure4.cfm
Consume 3.0—A Software Tool for Computing Fuel ConsumptionCalculates potential of wood as fuel of forest fires and prescribe fire fighting actionsMight fail to detect a risk or lead to inapropriate action, endangering the lives of peopleSafetyUnited StatesFederalForest ServiceNoForest ServiceJune 2009Endorsement of useYeshttp://www.firescience.gov/projects/briefs/98-1-9-06_fsbrief55.pdf
Career ConnectorAutomated rating‑and‑ranking tool used by the IRS to evaluate personnelMight be unfair in excluding appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government employmentPersonnelUnited StatesFederalInternal Revenue Service (IRS)NoInternal Revenue Service (IRS)2009Active useYeshttps://www.flra.gov/decisions/v68/68-149.html
Supervision and Regulation Statistical Assessment of Bank Risk model (SR-SABR)Used to determine the financial status of banksCan have a negative impact upon banks' clients and financial system as a whole by failing to detect financial deterioration in banksFinanceUnited StatesFederalFederal Reserve SystemNoFederal Reserve SystemDecember 2015Active useYeshttp://www.gao.gov/new.items/d11612.pdf
Risk assessment methods for the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) programRisk management plan for meteorological and oceanographic satellitesCan cause negative impact by failing to assess dangers in satellites programs, leading to their operational loss and loss of data collecting on environmentSafetyUnited StatesFederalNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)NoNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)August 2013Active useYeshttp://www.goes-r.gov/syseng/docs/Risk_Mgmt_Plan_v2-0.pdf
Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS)Used to predict strength of cyclones in the Atlantic coastFailure to accurately predict the weather can lead to economic loss for residents, industry, agricultureEnvironment; safetyUnited StatesFederalNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)NoNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)N/AActive use; endorsement of useYeshttp://www.goes-r.gov/users/comet/tropical/textbook_2nd_edition/navmenu.php_tab_10_page_5.3.0.htm
Ranking system for the Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem (GPD)Ranking system that determines which applicants will receive monetary funds from the Department of Veterans AffairsMight unfairly exclude appropriate projects or generate negative impact by including inappropriate projects. Might benefit specific groups unfairlyFinanceUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Veterans AffairsNoDepartment of Veterans AffairsFebruary 2013Active useNohttps://www.va.gov/HOMELESS/docs/GPD/GPD_Final_Rule_38CFR61_02-25-2013.pdf
Multicriteria-Based Ranking Model for Risk Management of Animal Drug Residues in Milk and Milk ProductsThe risk assessment is a tool to assist with reevaluating which animal drug residues should be included in milk testing programsCan impact the measurement of the contamination of milk, leading to health concerns by consumersSafetyUnited StatesFederalFood and Drug Administration (FDA)NoFood and Drug Administration (FDA)April 2015Endorsement of useYeshttp://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-04-30/pdf/2015-10000.pdf
Safety Fitness Rating Methodology (SFRM)Used to measure the safety fitness of motor carriers against the safety fitness standardA bad output might lead to unsafe or ineficient motor carriersSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoDepartment of TransportationMarch 2000Active useNohttps://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/granule/FR-2000-03-07/00-5471
Framingham Risk EquationGuidelines to determine cardiovascular riskMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing patients to not be treated properlyHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoDepartment of Health And Human Services2008Endorsement of useNohttps://www.guideline.gov/summaries/summary/48117?
Clinical algorithms for lower urinary tract symptoms in menGuidelines for assessment and management of lower urinary tract symptoms in menMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing patients to not be treated properlyHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoDepartment of Health And Human ServicesN/AEndorsement of useNohttps://www.guideline.gov/summaries/summary/49273
Croft's Grades of InjuryGuidelines for chiropractical treatmentMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing patients to not be treated properlyHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoDepartment of Health And Human ServicesN/AEndorsement of useNohttps://www.guideline.gov/summaries/summary/47637/best-practices---practice-guidelines
Clinical algorithms for bladder treatmentGuidelines for bladder treatmentMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing patients to not be treated properlyHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoDepartment of Health And Human ServicesN/AEndorsement of useNohttps://www.guideline.gov/summaries/summary/46927?
Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) for Building ProjectsA method that assists in planning building projectsMight generate ineficient building projectsSafetyUnited StatesFederalNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)NoNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)April 2000Active useNohttp://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/codej/codejx/Assets/Docs/ProjectDefinitionRatingIndex.pdf
Early Model Based Event Recognition using Surrogates (EMBERS)Anticipatory intelligence system for forecasting socially significant population-level events, such as civil unrest incidents, disease outbreaks, and election outcomes, on the basis of publicly available dataA missed event can impair the government's reaction to it, leading to a negative impact, possibly of high magnitudeEconomy; safety; healthUnited StatesFederalDirector of National IntelligenceNoDirector of National IntelligenceN/AActive useYeshttps://www.iarpa.gov/index.php/newsroom/iarpa-in-the-news/2015/445-forecasting-significant-societal-events-using-the-embers-streaming-predictive-analytics-system
IRS Merit Promotion Plan and Internal PlacementCalculation method to give department employees chance of being promotedMight unfairly exclude appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government promotionPersonnelUnited StatesFederalInternal Revenue Service (IRS)NoInternal Revenue Service (IRS)March 2013Active useNohttps://www.irs.gov/irm/part6/irm_06-335-001.html
ProUCL Version 3.0Software to support risk assessment and cleanup decisions at contaminated sitesMight lead workers that clean contaminated sites to dangerous situationsEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)April 2004Active useYeshttp://www.lm.doe.gov/cercla/documents/rockyflats_docs/sw/sw-a-005700.pdf
Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model (FOAM)Climate simulation algorithmFailure to accurately predict climate impact can lead to economic loss for residents, industry, agricultureEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of Energy1994Active use; endorsement of useYeshttp://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/foam/publications.html
HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) star ratingsTool that enables patients to find providers based on quality of careMiscalculation can lead to negative impact on providers, or to unfairly benefiting others, and overall misinforming users. Can also generate controversy about validity of methodsHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)October 2015Active useYeshttps://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare/Data/HCAHPS-Star-Ratings.html
Federal Merit Promotion ProgramCalculation method to give department employees chance of being promotedMight unfairly exclude appropriate candidates or generate negative impact by including inappropriate candidates for government promotionPersonnelUnited StatesFederalMerit Systems Protection BoardNoMerit Systems Protection BoardMarch 2013Active useNohttp://www.mspb.gov/netsearch/viewdocs.aspx?docnumber=253639&version=253926&application=ACROBAT
Risk assessment of credit unionsUsed to determine the financial status of credit unionsCan have a negative impact upon banks' clients and financial system as a whole by failing to detect financial deterioration in banksFinanceUnited StatesFederalNational Credit Union AdministrationNoNational Credit Union AdministrationOctober 2016Active useNohttps://www.ncua.gov/regulation-supervision/Pages/policy-compliance/communications/letters-to-credit-unions/2016/irr-workbook-guide.pdf
Guidelines for Evaluation of an Application for a PCA Risk Mitigation CreditGuidance to evaluate a federally insured credit union’s application for a risk mitigation credit (RMC)Can have a negative impact upon banks' clients and financial system as a whole by failing to detect financial deterioration in banksFinanceUnited StatesFederalNational Credit Union AdministrationNoNational Credit Union AdministrationMarch 2001Active useNohttps://www.ncua.gov/legal/guidesetc/guidesmanuals/ncua8508.pdf
Filtering algorithmsAutomated tools filter out inappropriate collection of data about U.S. personsCan lead to underreporting of serious privacy violationsPrivacyUnited StatesFederalNational Security Agency (NSA)NoNational Security Agency (NSA)N/AActive useYeshttps://www.nsa.gov/about/civil-liberties/reports/assets/files/nsa_clpo_report_targeted_EO12333.pdf
Performance Rating Method (PRM)Used to rate the energy efficiency of commercial and high-rise residential buildingsMistakes lead to negative impact on planners, who might inadvertently construct inefficient buildingsEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoPacific Northwestet National Laboratory (PNNL)May 2016Active useYeshttp://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-25130.pdf
Commercial Building Energy Asset ScoreHelps commercial building managers to compare their building infrastructure to other buildings to "facilitate cost-effective investment in energy efficiency improvements"Mistakes lead to negative impact on planners, who might inadvertently construct inefficient buildingsEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of EnergyAugust 2013Endorsement of useYeshttp://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-22045rev1.1.pdf
Visual Sample Plan (VSP) modulesMethods to use software to measure investigations into nuclear weapons testsCan negatively impact the investigation into the effects of nuclear testsSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of EnergySeptember 2010Active useYeshttp://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-19869.pdf
PARRiS BenchmarkUsed to oversee the financial quality of lenders from the SBACan lead to severe monetary loss for the SBAFinanceUnited StatesFederalSmall Business Administration (SBA)NoSmall Business Administration (SBA)N/AActive useNohttps://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/articles/PARRiS_Overview_-_Aug_16_2016.pdf
SSI Redetermination Scoring ModelDetermines overpayment of Social Security benefitsFailure to detect fraudulent payment can lead to the high magnitude negative impact of monetary loss for the government. False positives can impact providersWelfareUnited StatesFederalSocial Security AdministrationNoSocial Security AdministrationN/AActive useYeshttps://www.ssa.gov/legislation/testimony_072512.html
General Rating Formula for Diseases and Injuries of the SpineUsed to determine degree and type of medical problems of veterans to calculate payment of benefitsMisapplication can generate negative impact by causing veterans to not receive proper benefits, or it might cause overpaymentWelfareUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Veterans AffairsNoDepartment of Veterans AffairsN/AActive useNohttps://www.uscourts.cavc.gov/documents/Cullen_08-1193_published_opinion_8-13-2010.pdf
Project ranking criteriaCalculates the cost of projectsMight fail to take in account specific costs, jeopardizing management of fundsManagementUnited StatesFederalU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNoU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceN/AActive useNohttps://www.fws.gov/midwest/es/ec/nrda/MoTriState/pdf/EaglePicherIScoringMatrixMay2013.pdf
Workforce Planning Risk AssessmentAnalyzes projects and identifies risks and vulnerabilities to workers Might fail to predict risks and cause loss of lifeSafetyUnited StatesFederalUnited States Geological Survey (USGS)NoUnited States Geological Survey (USGS)N/AActive useNohttps://www2.usgs.gov/humancapital/sw/workforceplanning/documents/WFPriskassessment.docx
AERMODGuideline model for air impact assessmentIf the air quality is miscalculated, there may be health harm to citizensEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoAmerican Meteorological Society / Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model Improvement Committee (AERMIC)2005Active useYeshttps://eplanning.blm.gov/epl-front-office/projects/nepa/79446/106308/129967/25_Alton_Coal_SDEIS_App_K_Air_Resources_Reports.pdf
30-day All-Cause Hospital Readmission measure"Risk-standardized readmission rate for people age 65 or older who were hospitalized at a short-stay acute-care hospital""Errors in calculation might fail to reducing avoidable readmissionsHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoThe Center for Outcomes Research & Evaluation (CORE)2015Active useYeshttps://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/get-involved/nominated-topics/what-value-predictive-analytics-particularly-population-health
Risk Assessment System (RAS)Provides management of department with information to control hazardsIf there is a miscalculation, people would be exposed to hazardsSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoDepartment of the InteriorN/AActive useNohttps://safetynet.doi.gov/information/general/risk_manager/ras.html
Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent OrderRisk assessment to determine whether or not to retrieve waste from a single-shell tankAnalyses like this raise issues of risk to human health and the environmentSafety, healthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of Energy2004Active useNohttp://pdw.hanford.gov/arpir/pdf.cfm?accession=D5134611
Enforcement Priority System (EPS)This system rates cases of the commission based on priority, and makes recommendations on which cases to closeThe Federal Elections Commision might be lead to overlook important casesManagementUnited StatesFederalFederal Elections CommissionNoFederal Elections Commission2001Active useNohttps://www.fec.gov/files/legal/murs/current/36404.pdf
BASINS Climate Assessment ToolThe tool helps analysis explore potential effects of climate change on streamflow and water qualityFailure to detect impact on the environment might lead to further harmEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)2006Active useYeshttps://www.epa.gov/exposure-assessment-models/basins-climate-assessment-tool-tutorials
Gas Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP)Compiles and ranks the risk assessment of gas pipelinesA faulty pipeline risk assessment might lead to lack of maintenance and to accidentsSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoDepartment of Transportation2008Active useNohttps://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/dimp/docs/PHMSA_DIMP_McLaren_10_30_2012.pdf
Criteria for Scholarships, Fellowships and Faculty Development ProgramSystem that rates institutions on different criteria to disburse grantsIf there is an erronous rating, distribution of grants might be unfair or have diminished impactEducationUnited StatesFederalNuclear Regulatory CommissionNoNuclear Regulatory CommissionN/AActive useNohttps://www.nrc.gov/about-nrc/grants/evaluation-criteria.pdf
TRENDS MethodologyThe methodology is used to estimate emissions and model air qualityAn incorrect evaluation could lead to health hazardsEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)1991Active useNohttps://www.epa.gov/environmental-economics/statistical-methodology-assigning-emissions-industries-united-states-1970
Rating system for child restraintsCalculates and rates child restraints in order to reduce injuries in car accidentsIncorrect ratings may lead parents to buy low quality child restraints that do not adequately protect childrenSafety, transportationUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)2003Active useNohttps://www.nhtsa.gov/nhtsa/announce/testimony/FINALTREADtestimony_06-03-200.html
Dynamic scoringTechnique to forecast government revenue and expenditures based on fiscal policyHas impacts fiscal policy, so it can cause higher taxes or deficitsEconomyUnited StatesFederalCongressional Budget OfficeNoCongressional Budget Office2015Active useNohttps://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-114shrg95802/html/CHRG-114shrg95802.htm
Guidance for Conducting Risk Assessments and Related Risk ActivitiesSpecifies how risk assessments should be conductedIf risks are not thoroughly evaluated, people might face health risks such as exposure to harmful chemicalsSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyYesThe University of Tennessee and BECHTEL JACOBS COMPANY LLC1999Active useNohttps://rais.ornl.gov/documents/bjc_or-271.pdf
Deliberative Risk Ranking for Community Water SystemsA risk ranking for water systems that takes in consideration multiple stakeholdersAccurately evaluating risks for a community water system can keep people from health risks and maximize safe human use of natural resourcesEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalUnited States Geological Survey (USGS)NoPeter D. Howe, Brent Yarnal, Alex Coletti, Nathan J. Wood2013Potential useNohttps://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/51f38c5fe4b0a32220222f4b
Energy saving calculationsCalculates the effect of weather in the energy efficiency rating for buildingsMistakes lead to negative impact on planners, who might inadvertently construct inefficient buildingsEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of Energy2015Endorsement of useNohttps://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2015/08/f26/WeatherData_022615.pdf
Project Definition Rating IndexUsed to assess the likelihood of successful projectIf projects get mistakenly identify as successful and get funded, resources are wastedManagementUnited StatesFederalNuclear Regulatory CommissionYesConstruction Industry InstituteN/AActive useNohttps://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML1018/ML101820632.pdf
Scour Critical Bridge Indicator (SCBI) Code and Scour Assessment Rating (SAR) Identifies bridges in poor conditionsInaccurately classification of bridges can lead to loss of lifeSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoPennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) / U.S. Geological Survey N/AActive useYeshttps://pa.water.usgs.gov/reports/ofr01-446.pdf
Cyber Resilience ReviewEvaluate an organization’s operational resilience and cybersecurity practicesIf this assessment is not thorough enough, systems may still have weaknessesCybersecurityUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS) / Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Division of Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering InstituteN/AEndorsement of useYeshttps://www.us-cert.gov/ccubedvp/assessments
Public Financial Management Risk Assessment FrameworkDesigned to identify fiduciary risks of partner government institutionsIf risk is badly managed, USAID would lose money on unfruitful projectsFinanceUnited StatesFederalU.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)NoU.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)2014Active useNohttps://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1868/220mae.pdf
Automated Behavior and Cohesion Assessment ToolsThe software evaluates performance outcomes with models of crew task performance, social interactions and individual state of NASA flight surgeonsLack of cooperation of teams can lead to loss of mission and lifeIntelligenceUnited StatesFederalNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)NoNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)N/APotential useYeshttps://humanresearchroadmap.nasa.gov/Tasks/?i=783
Shared Decision MakingFlowchart for how a clinician should approach talking to patientsIf a clinician does not help a patient make the best decision possible, there might be health consequencesHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Veterans AffairsNoDepartment of Veterans Affairs1989Active useNohttps://www.healthquality.va.gov/HEALTHQUALITY/documents/CPGgenericSDMPOCKET_FINALSmall.pdf
Human Capital Enterprise SystemAutomates personnel transactions related to hiring, promotions, job applications, and retirementsErrors might lead to financial losses and personnel issuesManagement; personnelUnited StatesFederalU.S. Postal ServiceNoU.S. Postal Service2008Active useYeshttps://blueearth.usps.gov/strategic-planning/cs10/CSPO_12_2010_FINAL_107.htm
Rating direct threats in USAID Biodiversity ProgrammingMakes assessments of biodiversity threats more explicit nd helps decision-makingIf the model doesn't not take into consideration all environmental factors, the team's priorities may not be correctEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalU.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)NoU.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)2017Active useNohttp://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pa00mwpx.pdf
Competitive Evalution System For The Office Of PersonnelA grading system to evaluate employeesEvaluations done improperly might risk the efficacy of the agencyPersonnelUnited StatesFederalCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA)NoCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA)2006Active useNohttps://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp82-00357r001000040031-6
Prediction Intensity Interval model for HurricanesPredicts the intensity of a hurricanesAn incorrect prediction may cause people to be unprepared for a natural disasterEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalNational Science FoundationNoSouthern Methodist University's Intelligent Data Analysis Lab (IDA)2011Active useYeshttps://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_summ.jsp?cntn_id=122439
Air Transportation Oversight System (ATOS)Assesses the safety of air carriersIf an air carrier is unsafe and that status undetected, accidents can happen leading to loss of lifeSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)2009Active useNohttp://fsims.faa.gov/wdocs/8900.1/v10%20air%20trans%20over%20sys/chapter%2001/10_001_002_chg_81a.htm
Safety RatingsRatings help consumers make smart decisions about safety when purchasing a vehicleAn inaccurate rating may result in a consumer buying a more dangerous car than they intendedSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)1993Active useNohttps://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2017/FORD/MUSTANG/2%252520DR/RWD
Hazard Ranking SystemUsed to uncontrolled waste sites on the National Priorities List (NPL)An inaccurate rating may result in environmental damagesSafetyUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)N/AActive useNohttps://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPURL.cgi?Dockey=9100W8RR.TXT
Chemical Security Assessment ToolCaculates the distance of concern for a toxic release threat, indicating to operators what are the precautions that should be madeAn inaccurate rating may result in environmental damagesSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)2007Active useYeshttps://www.gao.gov/assets/680/671570.pdf
NRCareersAutomates personnel transactions related to hiring, promotions, job applications, and retirementsErrors might lead to financial losses and personnel issuesPersonnelUnited StatesFederalNuclear Regulatory CommissionYesMonster Government Solutions2006Potential useYeshttp://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML0327/ML032790112.pdf
Relative Risk ProfileCities are rated and ranked for risks including terrorism, which affects funding for counterterrorism efforts A city may have a high degree of risk but not get enough counterterrorism funding the rankings were in incorrectSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)N/AActive useNohttps://titus.house.gov/press-releases/titus-dhs-should-be-making-counterterrorism-funding-decisions-to-mitigate-future
Pipeline Risk Analysis for Maintenence and Integrity DecisionsThis system estimates the level of operating risk associated with all segments of a pipelineIf risk is miscalculated, the pipeline may cause environmental damage to areas surrounding itSafety; EnvironmentUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorYesC-FER Technologies1998Potential useNohttps://www.bsee.gov/sites/bsee.gov/files/tap-technical-assessment-program//221ao.pdf
Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuel Combustion Module of the State Inventory ToolEstimates carbon dioxide emissions from different fossil fuel typesAn inaccurate rating may result in environmental damagesEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)1998Active useYeshttps://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-12/documents/co2_from_fossil_fuels_users_guide.pdf
Complex Cognitive Assessment BatteryContains nine tests of higher cognitive functions to be used in testing pilots and operatorsInaccurate results may lead to unprepared workforce and loss of lifeHealth; safetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoDepartment of TransportationN/AEndorsement of useYeshttp://www.hf.faa.gov/workbenchtools/default.aspx?rPage=Tooldetails&subCatId=4&toolID=14
Automatic Calculation of Rainfall ErosivityMethod for automatic calculation of erosion from rainfallAn inaccurate rating may result in environmental damagesEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalDepartment of AgricultureNoDepartment of Agriculture2010Potential useYeshttps://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/790674
CNCS Organizational Capacity Assessment ToolOrganizational Capacity Assessment tools empower organizations to better measure their capacity to effect change in their communities and measure their performanceAn inaccurate score may cause an organization to overestimate or understimate its capacity to effect change in the communityEconomyUnited StatesFederalCorporation for National & Community ServiceNoCorporation for National and Community ServiceN/AEndorsement of useNohttps://www.nationalservice.gov/sites/default/files/resource/OrganizationalCapacityAssessmentToolWork.pptx
Explanatory Item Response ModelsA software for researchers to determine the fairness of standardized testsErrors might lead to tests being accepted or rejected incorrectlyEducationUnited StatesFederalNational Science FoundationYesEdgar Merkle 2019Potential useYeshttps://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1460719
Patient Experience Measures from the CAHPS Clinician & Group SurveysThese surveys measure patient experience and the quality of care givenA badly designed survey may contain bias, and does not reflect the real quality of careHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoConsumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems2015Active useNohttps://www.integration.samhsa.gov/mai-coc-grantees-online-community/The_Patient_Experience_Measures_from_CAHPS.pdf
NASSCO quick ratingsSystem to rate the state of a sanitary sewer collection systemA bad sewer system may cause leakage of chemicalsEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyYesNational Association of Sewer service Companies2015Active useNohttp://www2.lbl.gov/ehs/esg/Reports/assets/SSMP2015_.pdf
General Equilibrium modelAn economic model that can be used to determine tax policy If incorrect or incorrectly used, the amount of taxes charged may be more or less than neededEconomyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the TreasuryNoDepartment of the Treasury1976Potential useNohttps://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/tax-policy/tax-analysis/Documents/WP-9.pdf
Transit Performance Monitoring SystemDesigned to collect data on transit customers through the use of on-board surveysA bad system would result in inaccurate data being collected, which may lead to inefficient changes to the public transit systemTransportationUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationYesM. Davis and Company / NuStats International / Dr. Peter Furth 1993Potential useNohttps://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/6299/dot_6299_DS1.pdf?
Fire Prevention and Safety GrantsApplicants are scored against set criteria to be evaluated for the grantA bad evaluation system would result in the grant money spent inefficientlySafetyUnited StatesFederalFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)NoFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS)2018Active useNohttps://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/03/15/2018-05214/assistance-to-firefighters-grant-program-fire-prevention-and-safety-grants
Image Examination Rating ScaleAutomates measurement of images to support law enforcement forensicsErrors can negativaly impact law enforcement activitySafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of CommerceNoNational Institute of Standards and Technology2012Potential useNohttps://www.nist.gov/sites/default/files/documents/oles/Forensics-NIST-2012-Abstracts-FINAL.pdf
Participatory Analysis for Community Action ToolsIdentifies opportunitites and constraints in projects to elicit interventions based on community preferencesErrors might lead to community's needs not being correctly identified and waste of resourcesManagementUnited StatesFederalU.S. Peace CorpsNoU.S. Peace CorpsN/AActive useNohttp://files.peacecorps.gov/multimedia/pdf/library/GED5_pacatools.pdf
Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) federal definitionDefines childhood Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) for for estimating national state prevalence of SEDIf the definition is unclear, there would be an over- or underestimate of people with serious emotional disturbancesHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) / Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ) 2014Potential useNohttps://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/SED%20Expert%20Panels%20Summary%20Report.pdf
Rail Corridor Risk Management System A tool to be used by rail carriers to analyze and compare routes to carry hazardous materialsFailure can lead to environmental damage and loss of lifeTransportation; SafetyUnited StatesFederalNational Transportation Safety BoardNoNational Transportation Safety Board2011Active useYeshttps://www.ntsb.gov/_layouts/ntsb.recsearch/Recommendation.aspx?Rec=R-14-020
SOI Tax Stats - Statistical MethodologyA methodology used to calculate the statistics of incomeIf inaccurate, the government would publish inaccurate statistics and harm economic analysesTaxesUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the TreasuryNoInternal Revenue Service (IRS)N/AActive useNohttps://www.irs.gov/statistics/soi-tax-stats-statistical-methodology
Service Center Support MetricsPerformance standards to evaluate the quality of contracted service centers Bad quality control of call centers contracted by the government can lead to wasteManagementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)2002Active useNohttps://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/83959
Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)Calculation of total number of years lost to illness, disability, or premature death within a given population.An inaccurate calculation would result in an inaccurate estimate on how disabilities affect peopleHealthUnited StatesFederalNational Council on DisabilityNoWorld Bank1993Active useNohttps://ncd.gov/publications/2002/May232002
CFIS (Crown Fire Initiation and Spread), FlamMap and NEXUSFire-management application, with fire spread rate modeling systemsAn incorrect modeling may cause firefighters to allocate their resources inefficiently, which may cause lives to be lostSafety; EnvironmentUnited StatesFederalGeneral Services AdministrationNoDepartment of Agriculture2006Potential useYeshttps://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs/rmrs_rp058.pdf
How to Determine Hiking DifficultyA calculation that takes into account elevation gain and distance to come up with a difficulty ratingA bad estimate of difficulty may cause hikers to get stuck on a difficult trailHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoDepartment of the InteriorN/AEndorsement of useNohttps://www.nps.gov/shen/planyourvisit/how-to-determine-hiking-difficulty.htm
Data Center Infrastructure RatingA rating for data centers' energy efficiencyAn incorrect rating may lead to wasteEnergyUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)2010Potential useNohttps://www.energystar.gov/ia/partners/prod_development/downloads/Data_Center_Rating_Development_Results_Nov12.pdf
Data Quality Assessment Tool for Administrative DataSystem that rates quality of data mantained by the governmentFailure to appropriately rate the data source may cause loss of information and wasteManagementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of LaborNoFederal Committee on Statistical Methodology2011Potential useNohttps://www.bls.gov/osmr/datatool.pdf
Senior Level (SL) and Scientific and Professional (ST) Performance Appraisal System TrainingGovernment-wide system for performance appraisal systemIf the system is biased, some people may get higher ratings than others, leading to unfair advantagePersonnelUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoDOI2017Potential useNohttps://www.doi.gov/sites/doi.gov/files/uploads/sl_st_performance_system_training.pdf
Statistical Methodology for Aquaculture CensusDefines how data is collected and analyzed for the census for aquacultureA bad calculation may result in an incorrect estimate about aquaculture in the U.S., leading to ineffective agricultural policyAgricultureUnited StatesFederalDepartment of AgricultureNoUS Census of Agriculture2013Active UseNohttps://www.agcensus.usda.gov/Publications/2012/Online_Resources/Aquaculture/appendix_a.pdf
Ranking of Administrative Law Judge candidatesCandidates of administrative law judges are scored and ranked, and veterans receive veteran preference pointsIf it's not a good system, a candidate unfit for the job may be selectedPersonnelUnited StatesFederalDepartment of JusticeNoOffice of Personnel Management (OPM)N/AActive UseNohttps://www.justice.gov/osg/brief/azdell-v-james-opposition
Automatic Fall Prediction SystemA system to predict falls among the elderly based on tracked movement patternsCan negatively impact patients that are being mobilizedSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesYesUniversity of South Florida2012Potential useYeshttps://healthit.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/evaluation-and-integration-automatic-fall-prediction-system
Employee's Performance Appraisal Scores in the Air ForceRate employees on categories such as "Communications Discipline," "Timeliness of Work," "Support for Organizational Activities," and "Initiative"This can influence whether someone gets a promotion, so an inaccurate rating could be unfair to individualsPersonnelUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the Air ForceNoDepartment of the Air ForceN/AActive UseNohttps://www.flra.gov/decisions/v56/56-154.html
Isotek Rating ScalesRisk management matrix and criteria for projectsUnderestimation of risk may cause the government to spend money on unsuccessful projectsManagementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of EnergyN/AActive UseYeshttps://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/maprod/documents/U-233_Project_Risk_Management_Briefing.pdf
MaxBin: Automated Sorting Through MetagenomesAutomated software for sorting genomes of individual microbial species from metagenomic sequencesThis algorithm has applications to the productions of advanced biofuelEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoU.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)2014Endorsement of useYeshttp://newscenter.lbl.gov/2014/09/29/maxbin/
On-Line Intelligent Self-Diagnostic Monitoring System for Next Generation Nuclear Power PlantsSystem that enabels smart self-diagnostic and prognostic capabilities for nuclear power plant systemsA bad system might report incorrect information about the nuclear power plant system, which leads to accidentsEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoPacific Northwest National Laboratory2003Potential useYeshttp://www.pnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/pnnl-14304.pdf
MAMBAAlgorithmic behavioral forecasting software to be used by military commandersIf the software is not well designed, it may cause the military to make decision that harms the populationMilitaryUnited StatesFederalDepartment of DefenseYesEdaptive Computing, Inc.2010Potential useYeshttps://www.sbir.gov/sbirsearch/detail/3961
ImageScanThis software tool for "knock & talk" situations relating to child exploitation investigations. The software quickly identifies and isolates images on a suspect's computer and stores them on a USB device – without altering any files on the computerAre the images being collected with judicial authorization? What happens to the data after the investigation?SafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of JusticeNoFBIN/AActive UseYeshttps://www.rcfl.gov/continuing-education-series/imagescan-training
Evaluattion of Candidate Habitat Areas of Particular ConcernCandidate are rated based on categories such as rarity, ecological importance, sensitivity, and level of disturbanceIf the criteria are not well chosen, endanged habitats might not receive the attention and protection that they need.EnvironmentUnited StatesFederalDepartment of CommerceNoNorth Pacific Fishery Management Council National Marine Fisheries Service2010Active UseNohttps://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/sites/default/files/hapc_process092010.pdf
Bridge Field Inspection RatingsDifferent parts of the bridge are rated for their condition (how safe they are)If the criteria are not well chosen, bridges might not receive the repair that they needSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoDepartment of the InteriorN/AActive UseNohttps://npgallery.nps.gov/GetAsset/78ed3cfc-16e4-41cd-8d90-3b2f7dc91bc2?
Readiness Assessment ToolTool assesses the readiness of a health organizationIf the tool is not good, it might misinform organization about readiness for working with health care providersHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoAging and Disability Business Institute2017Endorsement of useYeshttps://www.acl.gov/news-and-events/announcements/new-readiness-assessment-tool-community-based-organizations-business
Automotive Fuel RatingMethod for calculating octane ratings in fuelIf the rating does not accurately reflect the quality of the fuel, there is a lot of efficiencyEnergyUnited StatesFederalFederal Trade CommissionNoFederal Trade CommissionN/AEndorsement of useNohttps://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/public_comments/16-c.f.r.part-306-automotive-fuel-ratings-certification-and-posting-540514-00005/540514-00005.pdf
Guideline for Water and Energy Considerations During Federal Data Center ConsolidationsGuideline to assist federal agencies in making key data center consolidation or optimization decisionsIf the guidelines are incorrect, this may lead to inefficient data centersEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoDepartment of Energy2013Active UseNohttps://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/pdfs/consolidation_guidelines.pdf
Direct Certification Performance Rate with SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)Method for calculating the numver of children directly certified for free school meals and other social benefitsFailure to assess government action in social benefits might impact policy and leave children without benefitsWelfareUnited StatesFederalDepartment of AgricultureNoDepartment of Agriculture2013Active UseNohttps://www.fns.usda.gov/transmittal-qas-computation-direct-certification-performance-rate-supplemental-nutrition-assistance
Derivative Benefits Eligibility Service Connected MatrixThis matrix shows "additional benefits that [a veteran] may be eligible for that are based on a favorable decision for a VA benefit and/or based on special circumstances."The matrix could award disabled veterans not enough or too much compensationMilitaryUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Veterans AffairsNoDepartment of Veterans AffairsN/AActive UseNohttps://benefits.va.gov/benefits/derivative_sc.asp
ECORISK DatabaseEvaluates "impacts from chemicals and radionuclides in soil, water, sediment, and air on the ecological receptors (or biota)"Mistakes would underestimate the amount of chemicals in the environment or causing ecological riskEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoLos Alamos National LaboratoryN/AEndorsement of useYeshttps://www.lanl.gov/environment/protection/eco-risk-assessment.php
Decision Analysis Methods Used to Make Appropriate Investments in Human Exploration Capabilities and TechnologiesThis algorithm helps NASA "prioritize and rank capabilities and technologies applicable to human space exploration" based on national goals and technological challengesIf the algorithm is flawed, NASA would not be making the most efficient investments in technologyManagementUnited StatesFederalNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)NoNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)N/AActive useNohttps://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20160012013.pdf
Project requirement documentationThis is a template for documenting contracted projects, and it includes an evaluation scoring guide based on past experience and technical approach of the vendor If the scoring guide is flawed, the government might contract a project to a vendor who is unable to complete itManagementUnited StatesFederalGeneral Services AdministrationNoGeneral Services AdministrationN/AActive useNohttps://www.gsa.gov/cdnstatic/AAS_Requirements_Document_%281%29.doc
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) New School Replacement Ranking Test ModelMethod of ranking schools includes evaluations of facility conditions, crowding, and riskIf the method is flawed, a good school might be replaced, or schools in need of replacement might not receive the help they needEducationUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoDepartment of Education N/APotential use Nohttps://www.bia.gov/sites/bia.gov/files/assets/as-ia/pdf/idc1-032048.pdf
Big Bend to Witten Transmission Project Route AnalysisPotential routes for the transmission line are scored based on factors such as total length, length crossing Indian lands, length crossing waterbodies to determine the best routeThese criteria can be subjectively assigned different weights, and this can affect the choice of routeEnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoU.S. Department of Agriculture 2014Active useNohttps://www.wapa.gov/regions/UGP/Environment/Documents/BigBendWittenEANov2014.pdf
Economist positions ratingRating for workers in economist positionsIf the rating does not accurately reflect the skill of the applicants, the best applicant might not be hired.PersonnelUnited StatesFederalDepartment of LaborNoBureau of Labor StatisticsN/AActive useNohttps://www.bls.gov/roj/
Registration Examination for Patent Attorneys and AgentsExamination for individuals seeking registration or recognition to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark OfficeErrors might lead to certification of unqualied peoplePersonnelUnited StatesFederalDepartment of CommerceNoUS Patent and Trademark OfficeN/AActive useNohttps://e-foia.uspto.gov/Foia/RetrievePdf?system=OED&flNm=0421_REG_1998-07-09
Findings Management SystemAutomated information system designed to provide ready access to information about Federal Home Loan Banks statusesIf the system malfunctions, violations might be overlookedFinanceUnited StatesFederalFederal Housing Finance Agency Office of Inspector GeneralNoFHLBanks2012Active useYeshttps://www.fhfaoig.gov/Content/Files/COM-2016-003.pdf
Guiding Principles Compliance (GPC) for New Construction & Existing BuildingsThis evaluates buildings in terms of energy efficiency, water conservation, and other factorsif the criteria aren't well-chosen, buildings might not be the most efficient even though they have a high score. EnvironmentUnited StatesFederalGeneral Services AdministrationNoGreen Building Initiative2011Active useNohttps://sftool.gov/Content/attachments/Iswg/iswg-tools/14%20Erin%20Shaffer%20-%20Principles%20for%20New%20and%20Renovation%20Construction.pdf
Asian H5N1 rankingRanking bird species based on risk of Asian H5N1 (Avian Influenza)If a bird that carries the virus but is ranked low, the risk it carries might be overlookedHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoAlaska Science CenterN/AActive UseNohttps://alaska.usgs.gov/science/biology/avian_influenza/species/species.php?code=KIEI
Psychiatric Disability and Physical Disability ratingVeterans are rated for their physical and psychological disability, and this determines the amount or compensation they receiveIf the rating doesn't accurately reflect someone's real abilities, a veteran might not receive as much compensation as he or she needs MilitaryUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Veterans AffairsNoDepartment of Veterans AffairsN/AActive UseNohttp://www.va.gov/vetapp98/files2/9814330.txt
Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS): Physical Condition ScoringAssessment to ensure that public housing units are decent, safe, sanitary, and in good repairIf the criteria are not well chosen, an improper house might still have a good ratingSafety; healthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)NoDepartment of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)N/AActive UseNohttps://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2011/02/23/2011-2633/changes-to-the-public-housing-assessment-system-phas-physical-condition-scoring-notice
Retail Customer Experience (RCE)Program collects data on retail customer experiences, which is used to improve customer serviceIf the categories are not well-defined, the feedback might not be very meaningfulManagementUnited StatesFederalU.S. Postal ServiceNoU.S. Postal Service2013Active UseNohttps://www.uspsoig.gov/blog/mystery-shoppers-measuring-retail-customer-experience
Guidance for completing a risk assessment for an accounting unitThis form, with guidelines and criteria on rating risk, is designed for use by the Bureau Internal Control OfficerIf the categories overlook something, there may be more risk than expectedFiscal managementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the TreasuryNoDepartment of the TreasuryN/AActive UseNohttps://www.treasury.gov/about/role-of-treasury/orders-directives/Documents/td40-04b.pdf
Performance-Based TDM (Transportation Demand Management) Project SelectionEvaluates possible transportation projects by the likelihood of positive impacts on congestion, air quality and affordability, among othersIf the evaluation critieria are not well chosen, the project selected might not be the bestTransportationUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoDepartment of Transportation2013Potential useNohttps://www.planning.dot.gov/documents/regional_Approach_report.pdf
BioRAM security risk assessment toolProvides standardized, systematic, and repeatable assessment methods for laboratory risk governanceIf the model is not well designed, a risk might be overlookedSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoSandia National LaboratoriesN/AEndorsement of useYeshttps://www.selectagents.gov/guidance-securityrisk.html
AQUATOX: A Simulation Model for Aquatic EcosystemsA freshwater ecosystem simulation model that predicts the fate of various pollutantsIf a pollutant is overlooked in the model, people might still go to the beach when it is unsafeEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)2003Endorsement of useYeshttps://www.epa.gov/beach-tech/models-predicting-beach-water-quality
RAVEN (Risk Analysis Virtual Environment)Tool that researchers can use to identify and increase the safety margin in nuclear reactor systemsIf the software overlooks a risk, people may be placed in dangerSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoIdaho National Laboratory2012Endorsement of useYeshttps://lwrs.inl.gov/RiskInformed%20Safety%20Margin%20Characterization/Status_of_Adaptive_Surrogates_within_the_RAVEN_framework.pdf
Special Focus Facility MethodologyAssigns points to deficiencies cited on standard surveys and complaint investigations into nursing homesIf the methodology is not well designed, and nursing homes' facilities are not as safe as they can be, an elderly person might get injured as a result. HealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)1998Active UseNohttps://www.gao.gov/assets/300/294412.html
OPIC’s Development MatrixScores projects according to potential developmental indicators within broad areas such as human capacity building, private sector development, and infrastructure improvementsIf OPIC's criteria of what's developmental is not well-defined, and includes things harmful to the project's surrounding area (such as environmentally), the US would harm people with its investmentsFinanceUnited StatesFederalOverseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)NoOverseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)N/AActive UseNohttps://www.opic.gov/sites/default/files/docs/04_AnnualReport.pdf
Farmland Conversion Impact Rating FormThis form is required for farmland conversion projects to ensure compliance with regulations. Criteria include total acres and percent of site being farmedIf this form is not well designed, land might be used inefficiently. AgricultureUnited StatesFederalDepartment of TransportationNoDepartment of AgricultureN/AActive UseYeshttps://www.faa.gov/airports/environmental/environmental_desk_ref/media/desk-ref-chap11.pdf
Minimum quality composite scores in Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement ModelScores hospitals according to food quality and makes them eligible to receive paymentsIf the scoring criteria were too low, hospitals might try to provide low quality care in order to save money HealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoDepartment of Health & Human Services2016Active UseNohttps://aspe.hhs.gov/system/files/pdf/208761/ExamplesHealthCarePaymentModels.pdf
U.S. Park Police Promotion ExamAssesses officers eligible for promotionIf the exam is not well designed, an unqualified officer might be promotedMilitaryUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoNational Park Service (NPS)N/AActive UseNohttps://www.nps.gov/training/npsonly/LE/uspp.htm
IECC Energy Rating Index (ERI)Scores buildings according to energy useIf the index overlooks an energy usage, a home might have a good score yet still be inefficient. EnergyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyYesInternational Code Council2006Active UseNohttps://beopt.nrel.gov/node/505
Safety Management SystemData analysis proactively to support a risk-based approach to safety oversightIf the system has flaws, risks in the airspace might be overlooked, which could cause planes to crashSafetyUnited StatesFederalFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)NoFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)2010Active UseNohttps://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10414.pdf
Risk-Based Adaptation to Climate ChangeGuide for place-based organizations to develop risk-based climate change adaptation plansIf the tool makes an incorrect prediction, it may incur loss on organizationsEnvironmentUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)N/AEndorsement of useYeshttps://www.epa.gov/cre/risk-based-adaptation
Real Estate Assessment Center physical condition scoresFramework to enforce housing policies and inspectionsIf the failing score is too low, people might continue to live in relatively poor conditions without improvementSafety; healthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)NoOffice of Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentN/AActive UseNohttps://www.hudoig.gov/reports-publications/inspections-evaluations/risk-based-enforcement-could-improve-program
Operational risk modelRisk model forecasts losses using an average of estimates from a historical simulation model and a regression-based modelIf the Federal Reserve underestimates risk, it might make decisions harmful to the economyEconomyUnited StatesFederalFederal Reserve SystemNoFederal ReserveN/AActive UseNohttps://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/files/bcreg20170203a1.pdf
Scoring Methodology for the National Public Health Performance Standards ProgramStandards identify the optimal level of performance for state and local public health systemsIf the NPHPSP makes a bad assessment of a public health center and cause bad decisions to be made, people may die as a result of not receiving the healthcare they needHealthUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Health And Human ServicesNoCDCN/AActive UseNohttps://www.cdc.gov/od/ocphp/nphpsp/documents/paragraph%20description.pdf
OFHEO Annual Examination ProgramProgram that assesses financial safety and soundness and overall risk management practicesIf the examination overlooks large risk and there were too many defaulted mortgages, the US may be in economic troubleFiscal ManagementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)NoOffice of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight2006Active UseNohttp://www.fcic.gov/documents/view/194
Structured Evidential Argumentation System (SEAS)Enables the assessment of tax compliance issuesIf the system doesn't work properly, it might lead to tax avoidanceTaxesUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the TreasuryNoJohn D. Lowrance, SRI International / Rajesh Ragoobeer, Internal Revenue ServiceN/AActive UseYeshttps://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/04lowran.pdf
Special Selection Priority under the Career Transition Assistance Plan"In order to receive consideration for CTAP or ICTAP special selection priority you must apply to a position that is at or below the grade level from which you’re being separated and that does not have greater promotion potential than the position from which you’re being separated; be determined to be well-qualified for the position." A well-qualified individual "is rated above minimally qualified based on the automated rating and ranking process."If the rating process is not good, an unqualified person might be promotedPersonnelUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the TreasuryNoInternal Revenue Service (IRS)N/AActive UseNohttps://www.jobs.irs.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg-uploads/files/IRSDownloads/CTAP-ICTAP-E1.pdf
DSS Model for Assessment of Natural Resources and Watershed ConditionsCondition assessment for watershedsIf the model doesn't function correctly, part of the river with bad water quality might be overlooked, causing people to use the water in an unsafe way EnvironmentUnited StatesFederalDepartment of the InteriorNoU.S. Department of the Interior2011Active UseYeshttps://irma.nps.gov/DataStore/DownloadFile/431819
TSA's Risk-Based SecurityUses data to determine which passengers are of high riskThis poses privacy concerns: the government can abuse the data it holds, and racial minorities may be discriminated against. SafetyUnited StatesFederalTransportation Security Administration (TSA)NoTransportation Security Administration (TSA)N/AActive UseNohttps://www.tsa.gov/news/testimony/2012/05/16/tsas-risk-based-security-successes-and-challenges
Hydrogen Risk Assessment Model (HyRAM)"Integrates deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying accident scenarios, predicting physical effects, and characterizing hydrogen hazards’ impact on people and structures"If the tool makes incorrect predictions, this may put scientists in dangerous situations without being aware of the riskSafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoSandia National Laboratories2008Endorsement of useYeshttp://energy.sandia.gov/transportation-energy/hydrogen/quantitative-risk-assessment/
Chemical Exposure Assessment Program"This program provides a systematic risk-based approach to anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of chemical workplace exposures."If the algorithm didn't successfully anticipate chemical exposure, people in the lab might unexpectedly die from avoidable chemical exposure SafetyUnited StatesFederalDepartment of EnergyNoLos Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)1996Active UseYeshttps://www.osti.gov/scitech/servlets/purl/212489
CMS Risk Assessment ProcessFour step guide to risk assessment used in CMS. Requires identification of threat sources and potential vulnerabilities to estimate the likelihood and the impact of risks.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesNoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)October 2018Active useNohttps://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/CMS-Information-Technology/InformationSecurity/Downloads/RMH-Chapter-14-Risk-Assessment.pdf
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) Risk ManagementEstablishes the process for managing risks during all phases of the GOES-R Series Program. A matrix is used to qualitatively sort or rate risks to determine which risks will move on through the risk process.N/AScience, Technology, CommunicationsUnited StatesFederalQwaltec Inc.NoGeostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - R Series (GOES-R)October 2018Active useYeshttps://www.goes-r.gov/syseng/docs/Risk_Mgmt_Plan.pdf
Poliovirus Risk AssessmentStatistical model that computes the probability and consequences of poliovirus by simulating local spread of poliovirus in a specific community.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Disease Control and PreventionYesSandia National Laboratories and Gryphon ScientificDecember 2018Active useYeshttps://www.cdc.gov/cpr/polioviruscontainment/00_docs/CDC_Polio_Report_SAND2018-13620.pdf
Home Health Star RatingsQuality rating sysytem that gives each home health care provider based on patient surveys, OASIS assessments and Medicare claims data.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)October 2018Active useNohttps://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-instruments/HomeHealthQualityInits/HHQIHomeHealthStarRatings.html
Pipeline Risk ModelingProvides a representation of the risks throughout a pipeline system by combining inputs associated with both likelihood and consequence aspects of unintended pipeline releases.N/APublic Lands and Natural Resources United StatesFederalU.S. Department of TransportationNoPipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)May 2018Active useYeshttps://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/rmwg/docs/Pipeline_Risk_Modeling_Technical_Information_Document_05-09-2018_Draft_1.pdf
VA Community Living Center (CLC) Compare ReportQuality rating system that gives each veteran nursing home a rating between 1 and 5 stars based on health inspections, staffing levels and quality measures.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalU.S. Department of Veteran AffairsNoVA Community Living CenterMarch 2019Active useYeshttps://www.accesstocare.va.gov/CNH/FindCommunityNursingHomes?LocationText=DC&SortOrder=1&Radius=50&UserLatitude=-1&UserLongitude=-1
ENERGY STAR Score for Commercial BuildingsExternal benchmark for assessing the performance of commercial buildings based on detailed building information and 12 months of complete energy use information for all energy types.N/AEnergyUnited StatesFederalU.S Environmental Protection AgencyNoEnergy StarAugust 2018Active useYeshttps://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/pdf/reference/ENERGY%20STAR%20Score.pdf
Antifraud Program Maturity ModelHelps agencies determine which stage of maturity they're at regarding antifraud initiatives with a four-level flowchart of each maturity level.N/AFinance and Financial SectorUnited StatesFederalU.S. Chief Financial Officers CouncilNoU.S. Chief Financial Officer's CouncilOctober 2018Active useNohttps://cfo.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Interactive-Treasury-Playbook.pdf
ENERGY STAR Score for Multifamily Housing in the United StatesProvides a fair assessment of the energy performance of a property relative to its peers, taking into account the climate, weather, and business activities at the property. Given a 1 to 100 percentile ranking of performance, relative to the national population.N/AEnergyUnited StatesFederalU.S Environmental Protection AgencyNoEnergy StarSeptember 2014Active useYeshttps://www.energystar.gov/buildings/tools-and-resources/energy_star_score_multifamily_housing_united_states
Risk Assessment and Mitigation StrategiesFive-step risk management plan used by CMS.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)April 2019Active useNohttps://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/hcbs/downloads/training/risk-assessment-mitigation.pdf
Watersense Multifamily Housing Water AssessmentMultifamily housing properties are given a 1 to 100 score based on whole building or property water use relative to average national performance.N/AEnvironmental ProtectionUnited StatesFederalU.S Environmental Protection AgencyNoEnergy StarOctober 2018Active useNohttps://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2018-11/mf_water_asmt_worksheets_editable_form_v1.0_final.docx
Cognitive Bias Mitigation ToolCognitive bias mitigation flowchart used by NASA to reduce the risk of failure caused by optimism, planning fallacy, anchoring and ambiguity.N/AScience, Technology, CommunicationsUnited StatesFederalNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)NoDepartment of DefenseJuly 2019Active useNohttps://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20190025941.pdf
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Security Vulnerability Management ProcessVulnerability management process used by the TSA to mitigate any potential risk through a three-step process of risk assessment and review.N/ATransportation and Public WorksUnited StatesFederalU.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)NoU.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)June 2019Active useNohttps://www.gao.gov/assets/700/699951.pdf
Type Rating for AirplaneRating system for airplanes that categorizes each plane into four classes, which are considered for preflight preparation and procedures, takeoffs and landings, inflight maneuvers and other operations.N/AScience, Technology, CommunicationsUnited StatesFederalU.S. Department of TransportationNoFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)June 2019Active useYeshttps://www.faa.gov/training_testing/testing/acs/media/atp_acs.pdf
Cybersecurity Evaluation Tool (CSET)Tool that enables users to assess information technology network security against industry standards. Output is prioritized list of recommendations for improving the cybersecurity.N/AEmergency ManagementUnited StatesFederalU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityNoCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)June 2019Active useYeshttps://www.us-cert.gov/resources/federal
FEMA's Climate Impact ModelLinked climate science and economics models used to estimate the potential economic effects of climate change in the United States.N/AEmergency ManagementUnited StatesFederalFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)NoU.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)June 2019Active useYeshttps://www.gao.gov/assets/700/699957.pdf
Back Pay CalculatorAssists agencies with the computation of back pay awards and interest payments using automatically updated Internal Revenue Service quarterly interest rates.N/ALabor and EmploymentUnited StatesFederalU.S. Office of Personnel ManagementNoU.S. Office of Personnel ManagementSeptember 2016Active useYeshttps://www.chcoc.gov/legend/chief-human-capital-officers
Operational Risk Stress Testing ModelsBenchmarks for operational loss projections of large bank holding companies. Helps decide whether bank holding companies have sufficient capital to continue operation at different economic conditions.N/AFinance and Financial SectorUnited StatesFederalFederal ReserveNoFederal Reserve Bank of RichmondJune 2018Active useYeshttps://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/feds/index.htm
CPAS Project Pendulum Mitigation Strategic PlanRisk-informend decision making plan that identifies feasible design alternatives to mitigate the pendulum phenomena used in Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS)N/AScience, Technology, CommunicationsUnited StatesFederalNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)NoNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)N/AActive useYeshttps://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20190026537.pdf
Large Financial Institution (LFI) rating systemAssesses three components of large financial institutions (Capital Planning and Positions; Liquidity Risk Management and Positions; Governance and Controls) on annual basis to reflect their risk profiles.N/AFinance and Financial SectorUnited StatesFederalBoard of Governors of the Federal Reserve systemNoFederal ReserveJune 2019Active useYeshttps://www.federalreserve.gov/supervisionreg/topics/fbo_supervision.htm
EPA Risk AssessmentBaseline risk assessment conducted to estimate the current and future effects of contaminants on human health and the environment at the Matteo & Sons Superfund Site in New Jersey.N/AEnvironmental ProtectionUnited StatesFederalEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)NoEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)July 2019Potential useNohttps://semspub.epa.gov/work/02/565419.pdf
HUD Computation sheetComputation of surplus cash, distributions nd residual receipts for the fiscal period by filling out the provided calculation sheet with necessary financial information.N/ASocial WelfareUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)NoDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)N/APotential useNohttps://www.hud.gov/sites/dfiles/OCHCO/documents/93486_orcf.docx
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Quality ReportingGuideline for quality measurement for SNFs based on criteria such as post acute care, Medicare spending and other patient-related measurements.N/ASocial WelfareUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)N/AActive useYeshttps://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/NursingHomeQualityInits/Skilled-Nursing-Facility-Quality-Reporting-Program/SNF-Quality-Reporting-Program-Public-Reporting.html
Training and Academy Management System (TAMS)Automated training and certification system that provides Federal Protective Service (FPS) the ability to track, monitor, and verify training for federal law enforcement officers and security personnel.N/ACrime and Law EnforcementUnited StatesFederalDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)NoDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS)N/AActive useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/publication/dhsnppdpia-024-fps-training-and-academy-management-system
Community Pharmacy Algorithm for Fall Risk Screening, Assessment, and Care CoordinationAlgorithmic flowchart to reduce the risk of falling of seniors by screening elderly patient for fall risk at the pharmacy and performing a medication review.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Disease Control (CDC)NoUNC School of MedicineN/AActive useNohttps://www.cdc.gov/steadi/pdf/provider/steadi-rx/STEADIRx-Algorithm_Final.pdf
CMS Hospital Performance ReportsProvide insight into hospital performance on publicly reported outcomes measures for patients.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoHospital Quality Alliance (HQAN/AActive useYeshttps://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/HospitalQualityInits/OutcomeMeasures.html
IRS Vulnerability Ranking MatrixCriticality rating assigned to each advisory in IRS to assess the vulnerability of each advisory to cyber threats.N/AEmergency ManagementUnited StatesFederalInternal Revenue Service (IRS)NoInternal Revenue Service (IRS)N/AActive useNohttps://www.irs.gov/irm/part10/irm_10-008-050r
FLH Loan Scoring CriteriaPre-application scoring criteria for Farm Labor Housing (FLH) loans calculated in accordance with Rural Development's Handbook HB-1-3560.N/AAgriculture and FoodUnited StatesFederalDepartment of AgricultureNoDepartment of AgricultureN/AActive useNohttps://www.federalregister.gov/documents/full_text/xml/2019/07/08/2019-14390.xml
HIV Eradication AlgorithmStrategic four-step plan to diagnose, treat, prevent and respond to HIV patients to end the HIV epidemic in America in ten years, starting in 2020.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalU.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesNoHealth Resources and Services AdministrationN/APotential useYeshttps://www.hrsa.gov/ending-hiv-epidemic
Automated Targeting System (ATS)Criminal vetting check system for applicants applying for DHS positions.N/AGovernment Operations and PoliticsUnited StatesFederalU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityNoU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityN/AActive useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/privacy-pia-dhsallvounteerforce-july2019.pdf
Flood Risk Map (FRM)Provides high quality flood maps and information, tools to better assess the risk from flooding to help communities take action to reduce flood risk.N/AEmergency ManagementUnited StatesFederalFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)NoFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)N/AActive useYeshttps://www.fema.gov/risk-map-program-information-community-officials
CFATS Top ScreenSurvey system for high-risk chemical facilities to measure the risk potential and determine if the facility presents a high level of security risk based on Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS).N/AScience, Technology, CommunicationsUnited StatesFederalU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityNoU.S. Department of Homeland SecurityN/AActive useYeshttps://www.dhs.gov/cisa/chemical-facility-anti-terrorism-standards
LEED Certification SystemCertification system that measures how well a building performs across environmental metrics including energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions, and sensitivity to their impacts.N/AEnvironmental ProtectionUnited StatesFederalU.S. Green Building CouncilNoU.S. Green Building CouncilN/AActive useYeshttps://www.ornl.gov/sustainable-ornl/sustainable-buildings
NIOSH occupational exposure banding electronic tool (e-Tool)Supplementary online application that allows users to apply toxicology and potency information to generate a classifciation occupational exposure of chemicalsN/AGovernment Operations and PoliticsUnited StatesFederalCenters for Disease Control and PreventionNoCenters for Disease Control and PreventionN/AActive useYeshttps://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2019-132/pdfs/2019-132.pdf?id=10.26616/NIOSHPUB2019132
Home Health Quality MeasuresMeasures based on Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) assess the results of health care that are experienced by patients.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)May 2019Potential useYeshttps://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/HomeHealthQualityInits/Home-Health-Quality-Measures.html
NIST Risk Management FrameworkProvides a process that integrates security and risk management activities into the system development life cycle, considering effectiveness, efficiency, and regulatory constraints.N/AScience, Technology, CommunicationsUnited StatesFederalNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyNoNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyN/AActive useNohttps://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/Risk-Management/rmf-overview
Child and Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Suicide Risk AssessmentDiagnosis algorithm of adolescent major depressive disorder and suicide risk calculated based on percentage of patient visits for those patients aged 6 through 17 years.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalElectronic Clinical Quality Improvement (eCQI)NoElectronic Clinical Quality Improvement (eCQI)N/AActive useNohttps://ecqi.healthit.gov/ecqm/measures/cms177v6
Population PK AnalysisQuantitative method that can quantify and explain the variability in drug concentrations among individuals.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalU.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesNoFood and Drug Administration (FDA)N/APotential useYeshttps://www.fda.gov/media/128793/download
EMS Mass Casualty PracticesChronological flowchart of potential on-scene casualties and necessary procedures that the EMS officers follow.N/AEmergency ManagementUnited StatesFederalEmergency Medical Services (EMS)NoEmergency Medical Services (EMS)N/AActive useNohttps://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/aspr-tracie-mass-casualty-triage-final-508.pdf
Physician CompareDesigned to help consumers make informed choices about the health care they receive through Medicare. Inputs location, hospital or other medical conditions to look up and compare different recommended physicians.N/AHealthUnited StatesFederalCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)NoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)N/AActive useYeshttps://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/aspr-tracie-mass-casualty-triage-final-508.pdfhttps://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/aspr-tracie-mass-casualty-triage-final-508.pdfhttps://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/aspr-tracie-mass-casualty-triage-final-508.pdfhttps://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/aspr-tracie-mass-casualty-triage-final-508.pdfhttps://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/aspr-tracie-mass-casualty-triage-final-508.pdfhttps://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/aspr-tracie-mass-casualt